Flowing With Spirit

Transformation and Truth: A Deep Dive into Personal Growth and Authenticity

December 09, 2023 Simona MANENTI, Paolo Propato, Cristina PROPATO, Leo Distefano Season 1 Episode 2

Ready to explore the depths of personal growth and identity? Gear up for an enlightening discussion as we juxtapose actor Christian Bale's transformation for a movie role, with how adopting new energies can catapult personal growth. We'll take you through our personal journeys, sharing insights on societal expectations, and the pitfalls of seeking 'specialness.' We'll be making a compelling case for dropping the 'special' tag, leading you to a life brimming with authenticity and fulfillment.

Our conversation takes a curious twist as we venture into the consciousness of time. We'll be linking ourselves with various versions of our existence, underlining the power of our thoughts in creating diverse versions of ourselves. You'll see how, regardless of the veracity of something, if it drives us towards our goals, it's worth our attention. Intrigued? That's just a tip of the iceberg.

Buckle up as we wrestle with the concept of truth. We'll challenge societal norms, and the agreements we unwittingly subscribe to. Drawing examples from day-to-day life and Chinese medicine, we underscore the importance of finding your unique truth rather than blindly conforming. We'll also be sharing powerful techniques for self-discovery and fostering spiritual connections. So, are you ready for a transformational journey with us? Tune in and let's begin.

To all listeners, we welcome questions and or input, feel free to send us any inquiry about topics of your interest.

Speaker 1:

is what's his name Dick Cheney. Yeah, christian Bale plays Dick Cheney and I heard on the radio when it came out like they were interviewing the director and he's like you know, when Christian Bale, he gained all this weight to play Dick Cheney he did all this stuff.

Speaker 1:

When he came on set the first time as Dick Cheney, people on the set thought that Dick Cheney visited the set and I called my guy like he really came right. But that's not what I find amazing about it. What it's amazing about is that, because he's one of those actors that really stick to a role and stays in the role and everything else what happened? You start to get high blood pressure, his cholesterol goes up. All these things are happening, right, and you could say, yeah, because he gained weight for the role. But he also Took on the energy. He took on that energy, of course, right, because you're doing all this weight and all that.

Speaker 1:

But the thing is, something changed. So it was a physiological response to a mental thing I'm gonna do this and the physiology followed. You know what I'm trying to say. So what if we just change that?

Speaker 1:

And the reason I think I'm talking with energy is because I get tired of it, because I feel safe being little Paul, I feel safer being that, but now life is telling me sorry, man, you can't do that anymore. Now you have a kid, now you have a wife and they're dependent on you. And life is asking you something different, right, and it's like there's honeysuckles outside my window. I planted them there I know they're invasive, because I love opening the window and I love the smell of the honeysuckle Like it fills up the house. It's awesome, right. But if the honeysuckle stays closed and never blooms, the fuck is the point of it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, and I feel it Like. I feel like life is saying well, now it's time for your petals to open up. And it's like that scariness of like what am I gonna smell? Like you know what I mean, but you know what I realize. Even if I smell like shit, at least it's my shit, at least it's my truth, it's my smell and at least I know it. And it's distinct and that's what life wanted to manifest through me. You know what I mean, because there's a million other people that we can be like, but why, right? Like life has already manifested through them, but it's manifested through you. And if I go back to that thing we were talking about, like God meeting God, wouldn't God wanna see himself in the most unique way? And we all are, and I don't know why, maybe I'm trying to tell you something, because I'm trying to tell myself that I don't tell you the truth, but I do, I think we're alike, so that whatever you're saying applies to the both of us.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I get it because we come from a very similar background. I mean we're both Italians, we come from like these big families and they're like, and you get like pigeon-holed into this, like you know. I mean it's like that guy that played Kramer and now he's like stuck being Kramer, he can never be anything else. You know what I mean, but you know what. Maybe you know it's like life is like that. Your movie agents, like I, got you a new role. You know I didn't mean it's like all right, good, I'm done playing Kramer, I'm gonna be something else. Now you know I mean, or you can keep playing Kramer, because that's what you know how to do, and you like do appearances at the malls you know me those months every day. We're big in the 80s and now they're just like doing like appearances at car shows and stuff like that. Or you can do the new, the new, the new movie. I don't know if that makes sense.

Speaker 2:

I think that was beautiful. It was very well said and in a way that I think you know that I think it sunk in. Not sunk in, but it hit home. One of the things that I that I used in the past, or I remind myself, I used the book the a course in miracle often While I was learning to navigate through this realms and, you know, dealing with my own stuff and, of course, a miracle.

Speaker 2:

There is one lesson that is about specialness and not to seek specialness. If you want to, if you want to not get caught up in your ego or in your insecurities and your wounding, one of the better way to do it is to just not do it. To seek specialness, there's nothing you know. So whether or not you have abilities where not you're doing, you can do something. It's the same as the fact. It's as special as you being able to build the furniture you have a great talent into, with creativity, into manipulating wood and turning into whatever it is that you want to.

Speaker 2:

Nobody's coming around and questioning whether or not you know what you're doing when it comes down to building, you know furniture, so the same is for anything else. So you can either be special at everything, and even the mundane, and see it as you know something special. But then you want to recognize the fact that, let's say, you can touch your toes. That's very special and makes you extremely special. So how do you go for something very mundane or you just eliminate specialness altogether and you just say it's just another thing, it's just something that I do and it doesn't have to be special. You know it's just part of you and you get to define how you make it part of yourself and how you know. Important that is, many people use their specialness to create an identity and then, when that is Threatened by things not going the right way, then you lose that identity and then you get into that predicament of Finding yourself in this really best stop and actually reinforces even more the Fidelity that you're.

Speaker 2:

that one already had it within themselves, so it's really not the place to go. So eliminate specialness, there's nothing. It's not about specialness, there's nothing to do with that. That's what stands between most people and getting somewhere else. Yeah, I think you're right and just Just, you know, just another part of me.

Speaker 1:

In fact, I don't even think it's a big deal if you ever do channel again. I just think that because the way you talked about it and the way there was like this fear and there was like a block there, I just feel like it's just worth looking into, that's all.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean because, like you know, like, even with that, like well, I was talking about that guy touching my ass and stuff like that when I, when I realized that and it was like, oh, I really need to work on this area, right, and when I started doing that, like through therapy and Layla helped me and stuff like that, the amount of reserve of energy that came from that I can't believe it. Like I couldn't believe, like how, how, just by talking and releasing something, it was like I'm not kidding it felt like I had like a reservoir of energy that I didn't and I'm talking like be a Kundalini, I don't know, I don't even know, like I don't even worry about putting a name. So I'll be honest with you, all I know is like I just felt good and I just felt like like I had, I had energy that I didn't have before. Like I felt like I I you know, obviously it was the oldest I've ever been at that time and I felt better than I did in my 20s. You know, I mean, it's just, it was like I Don't know.

Speaker 1:

You know, when I was small, like my grandpa, in the garden he would do the thing where he had the plants and he would have these little like ditches where the water would go in, and then when the water will come down, he would just get the hoe and that it moved the dirt and then it will go down. And then he was gonna move the dirt, little it, and then it will go down. That's what it felt like. It felt like by working on it. It's like I went like this and just moved that little bit of dirt and then all that like it just got released. That's what it felt like and to me that's no acupuncture. I, because with acupuncture you're just moving things that are blocked, yeah Right, and I feel like that's what acupuncture. And it was done by words, done by words. Well, it started by an appropriate touching, but that's.

Speaker 2:

Well, it was appropriate, because it was done by special.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But that's the thing. That's another thing that I also know. Like a lot of people have this struggle of having a session over the phone or even remote, because you need to be in person to make sure that it's happening. But really you don't need that.

Speaker 2:

I can just Anyone can just intend for something to happen For you. That shift of energy was specifically around your sacral and it was All. The energy was actually like uniform, like it was creating cone going towards the area from here up towards this way, and that's because it was a block, so they readjusted your chakra. But, yes, words are extremely powerful. It's why you know, having the same dialogue about something, it's one of the most dangerous things that we can do to ourselves, because it will prevent us from ever giving ourselves a chance or possibility to be in a different place. And then we sit there saying, but why is this happening to me? Why am I still experiencing this? Why isn't life better for me? And it's like, well, what is the most frequent thoughts that you have about yourself?

Speaker 1:

And that's but, simone, can I ask you something on that? But the way we're having thoughts about ourselves and it's creating our reality at the same time and this goes back to you speaking earlier about destiny was how I said before, like Razul ever came, there was like Almost felt, like there was like this prep right, like how I felt the feeling come these two other times beforehand and I was like what is that? And then, when I had that happen, razul came. It's almost so, I don't know. It's almost like I felt it and then something about that happening it happened. So I don't know if it's like the block, there was like something that moved that allowed Razul to come, or it's almost like Razul is like I already know this is going to happen and I'm just waiting, because he always says something that he said on occasion was like Baolo, it's time that you've joined us. You always look at all these saints and all these things. It goes, but it's time that you join us. In fact, you already have joined us. You just don't realize it yet, right?

Speaker 1:

And then so it's going back to that thing of time and it's something that he always talks about. He's like what you're looking for, you're already there. Stop with the techniques, stop with all this bullshit and just be already Right. And my thing is like yeah, but how? How? Never tells me a technique and he always says use techniques if you feel like you need it, but you don't.

Speaker 1:

In the end, you know what you're looking for. You know what you're looking for. You know what you're looking for. You know why you came here. You know what you're looking for and it doesn't have to do with techniques. It doesn't do what I have to do with meditation, it doesn't have to do with so the thing is, he's telling me something in the present and he's telling me something about the future, but he's also telling me that there already happened. So, yeah, so, at the same time going, looking at that, it's kind of like this conversation. Right, it's what if I'm were typing this conversation? But you already did pass this, you already did already overcome this issue. You know what I mean? I don't know. It's weird like I'm talking about. I'm trying to work it myself and work myself out at the same time.

Speaker 2:

I'll give you the solution. So the way to think about time, you know.

Speaker 1:

Remember how I said before you see yourself, and this would be good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know how you see yourself in the center and you have these bubbles of times, their consciousness. What if you were to believe that you're connected to all the you've ever been, at all times, to all those consciousness, and that you have a direct connection to them, to your past and present and future Self and to all that you've ever been? We do have a connection to that. If you were to accept that as truth and you just sat there and you actually asked all right, love, that, love, that idea, I'm embracing it. Can you please take me down somewhere's path, which I've done, I still do. I love doing this. I'll sit there and I call them meditation. I hate to meditate, so for anybody that is out there, just know, my meditation lasts about 30 seconds and that's as far as I'm gonna take it. But I love doing journeys where I sit there and I ask my guides and I don't need to know who it is or whether or not it's true or whatever and I say just take me somewhere, and it's usually anywhere where there's a consciousness that is part of me, where I can just experience Somewhere else's world or another part of me or something else. I often time, I've used it for painting and I've asked them to show me how do I paint this, how do I fix this, how do I learn this technique and what do I have to do. And I've been given instruction of, shown how other people in the ancient times they did it, certain things, and I was like that is amazingly cool. Thank you so much and come back. But you know.

Speaker 2:

But the thing is, if what you're talking about follow and what you know, the really fast way to do it Is to think that to actually embrace and the knowledge and make it your truth, you already are connected to all these consciousness. They're part of time. Time is Collected in the form of a bubble of consciousness saying as our inner children, our ego, which is the In the children, temperament. It's holding on to these memories because and we are they're usually closer to ourselves and Interact with us, because we still have such a strong emotional connection to it, because we think about it all the time and we create a pathway to that over and over and over again. If we were to break that pathway, then that consciousness will no longer interfere.

Speaker 2:

But each thought is a consciousness, you know. It's actually a life-living thing that actually creates something and we have to be very careful about that. But the truth is that you also have the information and the consciousness, so even much over and already Solved the self, and oftentimes they'll show me something in the future. Let's just say you already did it, just just get over it and just do it, because you've already done it, you know, and that makes it easier, but At the same time, even just knowing that release to make it so that is your truth. Well, that can definitely help a lot into seeing yourself in a different version.

Speaker 1:

I mean, it reminds me kind of, like it's going back to what you were saying before about the carrot or the seed. Yes, like, no matter what, even if you say like well, I might just making this up, either way, it's sprouting a seed inside of you or it's dangling the whole, like if you said like you already done it. So it's almost like that character, like you already did it. All right, good, now Let me just go, and I'll let me get there already, because I know I'm gonna get there already, because I got there already. You know what I'm saying, yeah, and what does it matter if?

Speaker 1:

it's true or not, in that sense, like I think half of the world is based on things that we think are true and it's not. You know what I mean. Like we still think I'm gonna go up to a certain point and it becomes Canada. You know what I mean. Like I feel like it's absurd to me, like we have these like fake things. Like I'm gonna go, you know I'm gonna go to Stockton, new Jersey, and for some reason now I'm gonna pay higher taxes, you know, or whatever. It is like we just have these ideas of these things, I don't know so and we buy into it. You know to me, like, try to convince the raccoon in Jersey. You know to me that he's in New Jersey. You know I'm saying I think a lot of it's kind of absurd. So we're already living in absurdity anyway. But we made it true because guess what, if I go to New Jersey, I got to pay New Jersey taxes, right? Why, if it's not really real, it's based on something that we just agreed to to To believe that it's true. So I just feel like I'm tired of believing in everyone else's truth. What's mine? That's why I don't even want to believe in like.

Speaker 1:

I grew up Catholic and I, you see, I talk about the same. It's something in Jesu and you know Jesus and you know these people are like my heroes. But at the same time, I don't buy into it a lot of it anymore, because, just like the kid of the African kid there was another thing that Razzoul said like I used to compare myself to Saint Francis of Assisi. Right, because to me he was like this guy is like the gangster of all holy people. Like he really did it. Right, he wasn't this guy that had this. Like he came into this world with this talent of healing people or, you know, whatever it was. Like he went through the grind and tried to purify himself and I think that's why, you know, across many cultures, people have a lot of respect for him. But at the same time, I also learned like, but I'm not him. Right, that was his, that's his truth, that he was finding. What's the aspect of my truth? Right, because there's already Franciscans that are trying to live that right or live, you know, the Buddhist, the truth of the Buddhism, or the Sufis or the, whatever it is, and they're all beautiful, cause I think they're all aspects of that oneness, whether it be, you know love or not, attachment or whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

I just want to know what I am Like. I want to know what this is. You know what I mean. Again, like, about, like using the honeysuckle, like. I would just want to know like, am I a honeysuckle? Am I? I don't know something else, you know what I mean A dandy line, whatever it is, and it doesn't need to be defined, it's just, it's a knowing like. It's a knowing like what are my properties? You know what I mean, what are, what are? It's the same thing.

Speaker 1:

I talk about that in herbs a lot you know we talk about in herbs. You have a in Chinese medicine. It's never one herb that's by itself. Like, take this for your headache or take that. It's usually how herbs function together.

Speaker 1:

And I remember before and I know Christina sounds like I'm repeating myself I remember before, like when I was going through stuff, I kind of felt like this little bit of anger towards my cousin Frankie, cause I'm like man, I'm always there for him, but he's like when I need him, when I need someone to talk to, he's not there for me. Like he knows I'm going through something, he's not there and I felt like true anger towards him. But then I just realized, like, yeah, but it's just like ginger. Like, if you have constipation, you're not using ginger. Well, maybe you are in some case, but, like you know, whatever restless legs, you're not going to use ginger. You know what I mean. But for restless legs you would maybe use a different type of herb.

Speaker 1:

And I felt like, but at the same time, when Layla moved her office, like twice, he was right, he was one right there with his truck to help move everything. That's the type of herb he is. He's there for you in that way. You know what I mean and I'm there for you, him, and I'm there for people there to like, listen to and talk with and everything else. So it's almost like I'm going to get mad at him cause he's not the same herb as I am. You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

It didn't make sense, but that also gave me a clue into who I am Right. By that contrast, I started to learn like, oh, these are my properties, like, these are the type of properties I have, like you know just the way, the ginger is very warming or whatever it is. And you start to see what you are. And then I feel like, and then just use it and then just like I don't know you know what I'm trying to say Just like, just be it, and again it's not. I think that was my issue in my twenties is I felt like I needed to be something you know what I mean? Like, oh, I need to be something in order to do something. But then there was that thing of specialness.

Speaker 2:

But it's important in your twenties and early teens because you're trying to create your identity.

Speaker 2:

You know You're separating from your parents and you're creating yourself. You're deciding who you are and embracing parts of yourself and maybe merging with those that you discarded. But you know that's a process that we do throughout life until we feel better. I think. Another thing that helped me, I think that's beautiful what you just said, and it's very you know, I love about. You know to identify the person. You know, think of it as if you're north or plant or a flower, and it has tons of properties and you can be that. It changes, you know, as time goes by and you can give yourself permission to change yourself in whichever way suits you as you evolve, or you, you know, embrace learning, you know whichever way you want to call it.

Speaker 2:

I try to really not label all that. One of the things that really helped, whether or not you want to believe it or not, and this is something that I invite many people to do I don't think I've ever shared this, so it's probably a new thing, but it's to actually spend a day with some of your favorite deity. Invite a deity, saint, guide, spirit, guides, whoever you want to spend the day with you, ask them to come within your consciousness, within your body, ask them to invite them in and sometimes you may not necessarily feel them. If you don't feel them as much or you don't have a sensation, it could be for many different things, but the main reason is probably because you're wounding or interfering and that, I think, is why when you talk about that energy, they move from you and then you felt that angel coming in. Is that because often time that creates interference and then that needs to be overcome, and if you're nearing the time in your timeline when that is supposed to happen, sometimes miraculous intervention will just come in and they'll force it because you need to get past, because that's part of your life path, and they'll make it happen.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes they're just waiting for you to do it and it can take a while, but you can always invite to spend a day with someone and what happens if you ask them to come in and especially invite them within your body, within your consciousness, you get to actually adjust your physical body to their frequency and some of it will retain remains with you and what that does, either or it gets you a chance to step outside of your usual being and it gives you a chance to perceive things from a different perspective. You may not necessarily always feel it. You can try also. Different beings will give you different sensation and you get to learn yourself better. So I found that that's helped me a ton in the past into getting a taste of living my world through the eyes of some of these beings and also then figure out also who I am and learning how I respond to their energies.