Flowing With Spirit

The Unseen Connections of Thought and the Birth of Personal Belief

January 12, 2024 Simona MANENTI, Paolo Propato, Cristina PROPATO, Leo Distefano

A continuation of the previous episode
Navigating the modern world's complexities, where traditional societal compasses often falter, can seem like an insurmountable challenge. But fear not, as we're poised on the cusp of a transformative era of self-guidance and creative potential. In this episode's we explore how the deluge of information at our fingertips offers us the unique opportunity to carve out our own truths and realities. We will share our insights on the generational shift toward personal belief systems, the emergence of individual voices, and the profound influence of messianic figures in driving societal evolution. Together, we'll celebrate the clarity and influence one can attain by embracing their unique voice, akin to reaching a mountain's summit, and the powerful feedback loop that emerges as we share our newfound perspectives with the world.

To all listeners, we welcome questions and or input, feel free to send us any inquiry about topics of your interest.

Speaker 1:

I forgot, they'll just say mangoes. So then they were eating the mangoes. But then what they started to do? They rolled the airplane and dropped the mangoes in the sand. So the mangoes were dirty right, because they were just sitting in the sand. They got sand all over the room and then they got two of those monkeys and taught them to bring it over to the water in Washington, something like that. And what happened? Little by little, those monkeys started showing the other monkeys how to do it Right, because the other monkeys didn't know what to do.

Speaker 1:

But then they went and repeated the same experiment somewhere else and those monkeys already knew they were teaching them how to do it. It's the same thing they did with rats In London. They taught these rats how to do something, to find food something, and without even teaching the rats that they were getting in New York, the ones in New York already started doing what they were doing. The same way back in 1950, the fastest man I don't know if I'm going to say took him five minutes to run a mile, but then now the average high school student runs that. You know what I mean. It's like someone does it and little by little the whole species is able to do it, Because we're all connected.

Speaker 1:

So all it takes is that one to change the whole thing. That's why that's going back to what I was saying before, Because that one, maybe that person, was there for that one thing, but that one thing helped to change everything and they'll never even know. But that's what they were there for and that goes back to what I was talking about before. That makes sure that I'm here to do what I was here supposed to do. What am I here? Not like again I'm out discovering fire, but it's for that reason Make sure everybody has a little step and keeps on going a little bit.

Speaker 2:

The same thing as while we're sitting in this room doing what we're doing. We're all kind of matching to whatever is the highest of everything, and so the group gets brought up into whatever is the highest of everybody. So if someone is really strong in one aspect, or another person is really strong in another and there is a strength in someone else's, we all get exposed to that just by being in this room, and it's the perfect vehicle to then manifest the, because your body gets used to being there and then you go home and you're like you feel the emptiness and then you want to. You know you're being taken into that, but also it imprints it within your body, so you start acting upon that almost in a natural way. It works like that. It's fascinating. I love stuff like that. I really love to do something like that too. I was wondering does that explain why I've become like you and you've?

Speaker 1:

become like me.

Speaker 2:

Yes but I think I dominate a little bit and I think I'm kind of new now into that, because I can't. You know, the letter thing is just new. Back, are you trying to say something that's not right no no, but it's not. That version of being done a long time ago.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you notice, even Paolo was doing it there and I noticed immediately, because you don't usually have an issue with words, and it's like what is that word? And I'm like, oh man, is Dutty's doing it too? You know, maybe you do it on your own as well, but I haven't heard it before.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I know that it's when there is a lot of you know a lot of frequency, a lot of readings around that your brain has.

Speaker 2:

You know it's like because your mind is going to Malaway and you already know what you're going to say and so finding the words is a little difficult to stress it. But it's all cool, it's very fascinating stuff. I love things like that. In regards to the mice and what they you know, it always makes me think about the and I don't know what it's called, but you know where they have I think it's starting in Switzerland, but they have that massive laboratory where they're shooting particles so they can start and what they notice is that they make these experiments and you notice that they were able to see that a particle, you know, goes with the quantum theory, where the particles on its own not observed if you're not observing it, it just is, you know, state static. But if one's observer is there, which means it introduces consciousness, then one part, not just one part, but the other part will even so completely separate part.

Speaker 2:

We'll start doing the same thing as the question was learned and it's like that's really the answer to everything in a way. You know it's exactly how it happened, but it's because of the presence of consciousness and it's almost. And when you were saying that it takes one person to then grow and share the knowledge with each other. To me, I saw, as if it's like that frequency of vibration, that the more knowledge is shared and acknowledged you need to acknowledge. So it needs to be the consciousness as to say I see that, I'm aware of it, I acknowledge it, and that makes it so that it starts vibrating almost like a pendulum and as you go back and forth, you hit the outer particle next to you and that message is being translated, and then they start vibrating, and then on and on and on and you just get that storm that way, that message and whatever is within it.

Speaker 1:

So I think it's. I love stuff like that. Yes, so you know something my teacher said and what he said, this thing of what you said, of like what, like this is the atom or whatever it is, and they're observing it. It will react differently. So in Taoism, that was already a very you know. I mean, I think these people, like thousands of years ago and that's why they Taoist only believed in scientific theory. Because they said, when you're doing an experiment, you always have to look at the account, who's doing the experiment?

Speaker 1:

And we see it all the time, like all these pharma jobs like oh yeah, this works. Of course you're making it, You're the one standing the top of it, so it's going to work more. You know what I mean. And then obviously, you try to get people that aren't so biased or whatever it is, but you also got to take into account their belief systems. Right, and they believe their belief is like oh, by taking a pill, it's going to be helpful. But if you get someone that doesn't believe in that and they believe in, like, going to a masseuse or something like that, it's probably not going to work as good. And then we just say, oh well, that's just placebo, because there's a lot of power in it, so that's why they didn't believe in it, but it is true, it's a consciousness.

Speaker 2:

So it's that awareness and you can see how it kind of, even when we started from the. You know, all the niece ones and the amnii and all the ancient, ancient seeds you've seen up in the wall ago. That knowledge stacks up. You know, it's like it laders and it stacks up and laders and as it does it doesn't go away. You know, it's embedded within it but it keeps being stacked and keeps growing.

Speaker 2:

And that's the fact that now we, you know the introduction of cell phones, that was a huge, you know, shift, a shift that everybody into a completely different place, you know, or just interaction with that. But if you think about it, we lived in an era where cell phones didn't exist. We had the thing that was attached to the wall that you know everybody was one in the household and everybody was using. And if you had multiple, you know, girls in the household, boys, and we needed to talk to whoever. You know, we're like, oh, oh, no, it's a whole different world. Did we ever imagine that each one of us would have a phone that we could often do the things that we needed to do with it? It's like living.

Speaker 1:

That just the weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like it's the weirdest feeling, the thing that you kind of lived. It's probably what people felt like living in a prior to the industrialization era, from the time where they were dependent on handles and oil, lamps and you know and things like that and nothing was motorized. And then all of a sudden, everything was motorized, everything was electric and everything was like that. It just fascinated you.

Speaker 1:

I think about my grandfather, who died at 96 years old, and I'm like just imagine what he saw in his lifetime what it was like 100 years, like growing up in the house. He had no school, he was just dirt to not have a car or nothing to find people. They'd seen cars, seen TV's.

Speaker 1:

Right to him ending his life where we would Skype and be beaten in ice cream cone and you know he's an Italian out here and like we're seeing each other through an iPad. You know what I mean and he's. You know it's like so crazy, like what must have gone through, what he saw in that time during years.

Speaker 2:

But it took one person to think about to actually have the idea, the thought or the ingenuity of thinking. I can make a motor. Just think about it. You know, prior to that we went thousands of years with a cart, with the wheel. The most invention, the most evolutionary invention we invented was the wheel. You know, right, I mean invented. It could go all over Europe with a car wheel, cathedrals and all the castles and medieval time. You know, the medieval time was amazing and just the stuff and stuff. But they didn't have machinery. You know, besides tools they could probably use and there was a lot of ingenuity and the paintings were amazing. So to me, when I look at that, I see that a lot of that push into creating and building it's always behind it, there's always that behind people. But there is one thing that often stops people from not finding their purposes when they're cutting their creativity, you know, when you start shutting them down and suffocating it, whatever's form of expression, and it feels like there's always this push into what's next. What's next what we're creating.

Speaker 1:

And the questions that we're asking. This is another whole show, but I guess the thing of my I always think about the importance of being bored, because I was bored and when I was bored I was like that's when I used to write stories. I would come up with all this stuff. And now I feel like with Issa's generation, he always complains that he's bored, but in reality his boredom is like he has PlayStation, he's talking to his friends online Like they're constantly doing something, right, and then I wonder, is that going to get in the way of his creativity? I don't know, because I still feel like he comes up with a lot of interesting things. But I'm gonna go so fast with this, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I was also another thing I was thinking was I think we live in a very interesting time, because I was thinking when you were saying the Middle Ages, I was thinking about Jesus, even though he was in the Middle Ages. But I was thinking like this guy came around and you get this thing of like, no, like, the kingdom of God is within you, right, and he's preaching this thing right Now you're preaching to one, romans, and then you're preaching to Romans and then Jews, right? So this thing within you anyway, that I feel like it must have been very hard because of where things were. It was very close-minded Like this is Zephyr, there's nothing else.

Speaker 1:

But now we live in a time where we don't even know what's true, because you can literally I guarantee that in the old Mexican, anything Megan said it's a cake, and I'll probably find a video showing me that it's a cake and I could probably also find a video showing me that they did of Iopsi and his real Like. Everything is like turned on its head. It's really now, I think, the beauty about kind of like that experiment thing or putting our consciousness in what happens to the atom. We live in a time where everything is up in the air, so we truly there's a space to create any reality that we want right now and it's kind of that's what kind of makes it scary of what we need to do, you know what I mean, and I think because the answer is that it happens.

Speaker 2:

so just recently and still for the majority of people and again, I don't know, I don't have statistics so I'm not gonna give that out but what I found is that people don't know how to discern, and I think there is so much information to push us into this space where you have to learn to discern and discernment. You can only do it if you go within and you find that you know the house of God within yourself. It doesn't have to be a specific God, you just feel recognizing your power in your own self and that kind of thing. But without discernment, then what can you do with all this? But what is the precursor to push us into actually start? Maybe our own informed decisions is to do the electrons and have that discernment. That's very difficult.

Speaker 1:

right, there is Because it's like my somebody that talks to me constantly about the discernment, that the importance of the discernment, but also very, very hard work happens right. So the discernment is always coming from a place of is it going against the church or not? And the discernment comes from that place. So if I say something, even if they agree with it, it's not right because it's going against that, so you're discerned, or it has a guideline made for that, and so it's a tricky one, right?

Speaker 2:

Because if you think about how the doctrine, or at least the pace of humanity up until just recently and I can't hit, really pinpoint it, because I feel it's right on the line, okay, where I feel that right now the information is erratic and all over the place and we really don't know where it's come from, because everybody can manipulate it in all kinds of ways specifically, specifically because we're in this pivotal point, because up until now we've been guided by people like sheeps. We've always had an idolize, either a religion, a Catholic religion, a government, some of the rules, you know, regulation, and everything has to be so confined and defined and isolated, and you can see the conflict, see then, between everybody, even what's coming up about. You know what it means to be this and what it means to be that and the LGBTQT and I can't say that you know what are all the distinctions of the sex and how we identify ourselves. Do they not really? Are they really necessary? Do we really need that? You know, can we just accept it and can you not create that for yourself?

Speaker 2:

Why do we need so much up to or from outside ourselves? It's because it's a reflection of that. I need someone to tell me how to behave. I need someone to tell me how to be. I need that reflection of myself that tells me that I am being good, that I'm following and being just like everybody else, and we're really especially children like your child's age and then you children I'm sorry if we're going into that, but they're actually saying no, no, we're not going to go by that. So they're coming out with a new way of being.

Speaker 2:

But you can't have that if there isn't friction created that refuses what's been played up until this moment, and so that's why there's all this friction and all this stuff that's coming up and it's creating a lot of confusion, but the purpose is really to just kind of get to that place where most people then, can you know, say well, I'd rather make decisions for myself and not be led by.

Speaker 1:

Well, it seems like like how earlier we were talking about you know our path or journey as an individual. This is at the same end. We were talking about things kind of like give your ass. It sounds like the same thing, but just like not as an individual was a collector, so I don't have a lot of fear about it. I have a lot of hope actually.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a beautiful thing. We are actually right on target with it. It's part of the next evolutionary phase and those are going to fight against it Because we don't want to let go of that being guided. I need a source of belief, that you know. I don't have it in myself. So, like the people that you were talking about, you know they're referring to a belief based on a religion, a God or a government or an institution or whatever they like, because if you take that away from them, they will feel a little naked and that's uncomfortable.

Speaker 1:

You know, like if you put me in a sports car, I get nervous. I don't feel confident behind the wheel. Did you give me a nice station wagon?

Speaker 2:

Not create damage.

Speaker 1:

No, you know, I just said, you could do yourself in a car where it feels more safe or whatever, and I think it's good for a great people to get into the destination you know just in a different way and you always meet a messiah.

Speaker 2:

You need someone that stands out like you know the sword flag or the wrong flag, that says it shouts out to everybody hey look, we've been doing it wrong and everybody's going to shout back you're crazy. There's always that person that has always been doing us crazy, and then you give it enough time and it's like, hey look, the crazy person is the normal one, and now we're all crazy together, you know, and we're no longer living in ourselves like crazy. So, if you think about what we're talking about that one, it takes one person to bring a new and different way of looking, and eventually it will just spread through the consciousness of everybody, which just takes time, and eventually it will get there. It's why it's so important for you know people who do choose to do the healing work to find their own voice, because within that voice, you act as that one person, and then it doesn't matter how anybody else is doing it.

Speaker 2:

You're doing it your way, you have your voice, you're bringing your consciousness, and if you put yourself available, you make yourself available for that, then the information that you receive will be different than what's being said all around. And so, therefore, you give yourself the ability not just yourself but for others to kind of get above the crowd, not the crowd but the curtain. You know, like the fog when you peek your head, when you get to the top of the mountain, so you actually get to see them. They just all be covered by clouds, but you get a much higher vision and everything gets nice and quiet and then you can hear the clarity of the voice or whatever it is that you hear, and then you share it and I wonder what the feedback is. So that's it for this video. Thank you very much.