Flowing With Spirit

Navigating the Mystical: Mediumship, Healing, and the Quest for Spiritual Empowerment

January 16, 2024 Simona MANENTI, Paolo Propato, Cristina PROPATO, Leo Distefano Season 1

Embark with us as we weave through the enigmatic tapestry of mediumship and healing, where massage therapist and spiritual seeker Jordan unveils her compelling narrative. Alongside seasoned guest Megan Delaney a licensed marriage and family therapist and my co-hosts Paolo, Cristina, and Leo, we engage in a soul-stirring exchange, traversing the landscapes of intuition, spiritual guides, and the intimate dance of energy work. Our collective voices uncover the subjective essence of spiritual encounters, grounding techniques, and the transformative journey of tapping into one's metaphysical abilities.

As if navigating an unseen labyrinth, we share tales of spectral apparitions and the delicate art of discerning trustworthy spirits from misleading shadows. With each turn, we reveal the intricacies involved in clearing negative energies and the power of belief in the healing process. The personal growth that arises from confronting inner wounds and embracing self-awareness emerges as a beacon, guiding our discussions on the profound impact of such insights on our roles as healers and confidants.

Concluding this odyssey of the soul, we illuminate the milestones of life's purpose, reflecting on pivotal moments that carve our destinies. Jordan, with her fresh perspective, enriches our exploration, while the wisdom of Megan deepens our understanding of the healer's path. Join us as we navigate these ethereal waters, each narrative a lighthouse, casting light on the boundless potential within and the journey towards self-discovery and empowerment.

To all listeners, we welcome questions and or input, feel free to send us any inquiry about topics of your interest.

Speaker 1:

Hello to everybody and thank you for tuning in to Flowing with Spirit where vibrant energy meets insightful conversation. Our pack casters tonight are Simone Mananti, myself, an intuitive healer, along with Paolo Perpato, a healer and acupuncturist always in search of truth. And our lovely Cristina Perpato, with her strong intuition and love for life, together with Leo di Stafano, a Reiki master and healer for many years. Today's podcast is enriched with the presence of Megadelene, a therapist and intuitive as well for many years, and our guest of the day, jordan, which is in search of her answers about her path as a healer. So get ready to embark on a journey of wisdom and laughter with our dynamic crew.

Speaker 2:

So tell me your name again, because I forget already what was it.

Speaker 3:

Jordan Jordan.

Speaker 2:

Okay, cool.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Okay, so did we want to start over there?

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, should I? Should I um there by Brian? What do you want to come in here? So, jordan, it was. It's what was the masseuse of where I work. I'm saying, why is that? Just go, just go, um. But she's leaving soon and we were having this conversation about like where do you feel like you're being led? And she said to me that she feels like she's being led towards being the medium, and, and from there I started talking about Salona, because I had a space with Salona. Then maybe she can kind of help you in that way, maybe to help make that path a little bit clearer, or maybe, if there's any questions that she has, I mean she can answer and then we can chime in from our own experiences as well, okay.

Speaker 3:

But I thought it would be interesting to see somebody that feels a calling to that path. Um, they view it, you know, for a long time. Okay, cool. Even though I think medium is a little different than what you do, it feels sort of great right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, no, it's a. It's a slightly different pathways that you go. You know that your body shifts into a different realm. I don't mean to and um, yeah, but why don't you tell us your story first? You know, just go ahead and you know, without just really be free about it, just be free about it.

Speaker 5:

So um massage therapist and um, I've been always into like super different kind of stuff and as long as I'm a member, even before going to massage school, I studied art and um, like, my mother was making that kind of stuff, um, but what led me to go to massage school was, um, so my dad died when I was graduating high school and I couldn't figure out really what I wanted to do.

Speaker 5:

You know, just a tough time in my early 20s and I dropped out of art school and um, so then I was having some hard times with my body while I was working, um, like a pretty physical labor job and um, so through that that's how I found massage therapy and just trying to help people with their pain and stuff, and from there, like.

Speaker 5:

So now I'm like in the massage world and so many kind of things are. Just there's more to it I'm finding than just like the physical whole body, um, just some feelings that like are funny. And one of my teachers while I was in the massage school actually we were just having a group discussion and she said that sometimes people can feel called to become massage therapists, um, and uh, they actually need to like, go further and they might become like mediums and be like more of that kind of stuff, and I felt like when she said that, like she was probably human and um, so I'm just heading out where I can go from here and I'm going to do a massage therapy for like in here.

Speaker 2:

So what kind of experiences have you had with you know, mediumship or spirits, or like making a book Um, so I've done a book three times.

Speaker 5:

I've had people like come to me um. Once I felt like someone like followed me home. They got in my car and when I got home, um, and just, it's all just like for me, like a lot of feeling, um, I don't know.

Speaker 5:

Um, that, particularly the first time, was like, uh, I wasn't sure if I should tell the person who. So, okay, so when it happens, I just have this feeling and like then I can like ask questions, and then they'll like answer, but there's so like, but it's, I know I can. So when it happens, like me at the first time, I'm like, oh, what's going on? And then I'm like, is this me talking to me or who you know? And but then you can, I can hear like some differences like in your voices, like you don't sound, like where they're coming from is like me, you know. Like you know you, your voice would go non-init in your head.

Speaker 5:

Um, so, yeah, the first time someone just like followed me home and then the second time I was like painting and um, I had like loud music going and I felt like I had someone enter and like kind of come in and it'll get like bloody, like some kind of water, um, and so then I said to that person I was like I can't hear you, like the music goes too loud, and they were like well, turn down the music and um, and then I started to come on in and it was like so weird. Like I'm just like thinking, you know, to me minding my business, um, oh, that's cool, that's cool how old, are you 30, 30,?

Speaker 2:

okay, so, um, okay, so you do have. So there was, there was someone with you, you just, you know, just a minute, and then kind of flew right out the window and you started, you know, getting into the, the serious stuff, which is a thing, um, um, so you do have, you do have the. When I look at people and they have the new ship you know abilities.

Speaker 2:

They usually show like a tunnel behind them and you do have that.

Speaker 2:

There's a little bit of a section that is shaded or that is like uh, blurred, uh, on your right side, and but that's usually it's significant, you know, like learning or having to improve, or an aspect of yourself.

Speaker 2:

But, as you were talking about your experiences, especially when you talked about the shape, that was more like water, um, there was one of your guides that came in and put a symbol into your forehead so that you were like chosen in a way to do this kind of work, um, and that there is a little bit more that you're going to probably be doing when you're just moving ship, um, and I do feel that, uh, probably the first being that you talked to was someone who needed to cross into the light, but the second one was definitely a spirit guide of yours that, and I would recommend for anybody that starts moving ship, to make sure that you first, um have a good connection. You just read guides and you start from there. Now, the best way to do that is to start inviting them in on a daily basis. So is that something that you do already, or is it?

Speaker 5:

So I don't do it on a daily basis, but when I am in a slow time and I think about it, I do like but I'm not sure what I should be saying, or like, you know, we just say it three times no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

it's like, uh, it's like as if you're calling someone.

Speaker 3:

Unless you guys can't even.

Speaker 2:

No no, no, no, no. It's like as if you're calling a friend, you know. So you want them. They don't care to be idolized or to be made into something really fantastic. They don't want that. They want more like we are here to help you learn the ways or guiding you through the path and understanding that you need to understand. So, um, they want to. They're just like you, you know they want that kind of relationship. They don't want like oh, oh, hey, oh, hey, oh, you know, almighty, kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

So the best way to do it is to just say, hey, I call in my, my, my peeps, my 18, but you know, and jelly can't do it and you can give it whatever you need. So you know, you can give it whatever you want. In the beginning, though, I feel that this one's very kind of the one with the water coming will give you, will change your chip into whichever form you want it to ship, and it will also can take you form over at the mail. You know they really go by whatever you're most comfortable with and you, then you can also choose to give him a name. It doesn't mean that you're not having your own name, but just for comfort or something to kind of call in in the lion, you know, on a regular basis, because you're going to have to learn to deal with all kinds of things. If you're going to be a medium, there's a kind of all kinds of things. You have to learn to deal with that so that they can help you through that as well, okay. But again, if you're saying that you're going to do something also more, I do feel that you're going to be doing healing. If I, while you went into the massage and masseuse type of feel because more than channeling spirits from the other side, in a sense of you know, as a mediumship person does, I feel that you're going to at some point shift more towards the healing arts than that one, and because you have more than interest in that symbol that they put on you, it's more related to that, to that healing aspect for yourself.

Speaker 2:

But whichever way you want to start, you don't have to. So when you're calling your guides or whoever, you just say I'm available. You know I would love to spend a day with you and you know who is coming through. You can add to that or you can choose to call in for someone that you want. So if you have. You can get a list of ladies or whoever you know you prefer. When I started, I started with my teacher, michael, and then it was metatron for me, and then you know a bunch of other people that I called and they would say they would kind of tell me, and other times I would get to choose, but most of the time it was, you know, spend a day with your teacher, spend a day with Mary, you know, spend a day with you know, and then you do the fun things with them as they go along.

Speaker 2:

One thing that you're going to have to do is that whatever they tell you to do, you have to do it. And when it comes down to hearing, your hearing is very open. So your chakra around your ears are very, very wide, open, and around your neck, so you do have the ability to channel as well, because your neck is very open and available. But that also makes you susceptible to other entities, or not? They don't have such great intent, so you're going to have to run to handle those entities as well.

Speaker 2:

And so, for the first thing that you're going to want to work on is also going to be your safer chakra and your root chakra. There's a few issues there that you need to work on that in relation to your, like, self-worth and self-esteem and trust. So that's going to be really good with them. But I think that you're going to do really well with it and you'd be like the writing and I think the arts is actually going to help you a lot. I know it seems to work 28, but they're also showing since you were 20 years old that you've been on this back in collaboration to this, so you're exactly what you need to be, so don't doubt it, you know in any sense.

Speaker 5:

How's that? I got what they named and I worked with Ricky's Mastery that I go to and I mentioned to her at the end one of my sessions. You know I went to meet Michael too and I thought, well, maybe I'm Angel Michael. And then I looked into Angel Michael and it just felt good.

Speaker 2:

So one of the other things is also not to have fear, you know like, and not to take, not to have very strict rules. Their world is a very simple world. They don't care about strict rules of like. You know you have to always do this and you got to spend two hours meditating, or you have to eat this way or you have to. Any time that there is you have to. You can probably talk it. I, you know, I'm like, yeah, whatever, and I talk it now because it's not necessarily true. This is going to be your world, so you get to create it whichever way you want to, and it's specific to your job and what you're going to be doing and your purpose. So you get to. They kind of built they.

Speaker 2:

Usually, if you're into wanting to learn through them, they will isolate you from information that you may find from other sources. If they want you to get that information, they'll lead you to it, but otherwise they'll give you the information. So they're specific to that. There's nothing wrong with the information out there, but it is, in a way, almost like getting you used to to rely on the source that is more accurate for you and true to yourself, and this is actually a good thing to do. In any kind of doctrine that anybody takes, it's not.

Speaker 2:

You can certainly be informed and read and and be not fired much information you want to, but you then have to discern and go with whatever it feels right for you and that's really the best way to do it.

Speaker 2:

And it doesn't mean that it's not true. If something doesn't resonate with you, it doesn't hold truth. It just doesn't hold truth for you, but it will hold truth for someone else's. So, and because you will then help people, you kind of have to form your voice. And in order to form your voice, it's usually best to kind of go at it, you know, with their guidance, in a little bit alone. If they need help by sourcing and getting information elsewhere, then you can do that. But oftentimes I think that the best way is to kind of trust into what you're hearing, and because you also have the channel and ability, you will. You know you will get a lot of information and just kind of getting there and do it and not question too much about how, or just kind of do what you're already doing, because art in a way is a channel and you give, but you're already doing that right.

Speaker 3:

And it's about the differences between the shaman and the medium.

Speaker 5:

Like. So you said, like maybe what kind of other things? And you're saying like we're going from one feeling, are there other?

Speaker 2:

words Like the shaman actually fits better for you. I feel that that resonates way, way better for you than the medium. You will have medium abilities. I have medium abilities.

Speaker 2:

When it came time for me to you know, they showed me everything that I needed to learn about that. And then he said okay, at this point to get to choose you're actually going to do mediumship or you're going to do healing. And I went with the healing aspect and so with the healing aspect, you can do whatever you want with the mediumship. That's all you're going to do, and it's a wonderful thing to do and it's very, it's taxing and it you know it's, it requires effort and it's a beautiful devotion. You look at that kind of thing. But as I'm saying this, there is another great guy that just came in for you that you know, the shaman and the healing energy and the healing abilities for you. I think it's a lot more appropriate and I get more likely to talking about that. It's like I was like oh, she really wants to do that because it's just a word, I know.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Okay, the beginning word.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so the difference. Again, I really I'm a believer of simplifying things. There's one source of energy. We just made it. We've just translated it into different languages. Each language means something for the person. So there is acupuncture, which is a wonderful language. There is a way to you have, you have, there is, there is, there is all kinds of things. So it's just a translation of the same energy and because it's such an immense and vast area, we get to all just benefit from by sharing one aspect, you know, and then we'll share another, and then we'll share another, so that people can have multiple ways to benefit from an multitude of resources, resources. It's really up to you.

Speaker 2:

If you go about it that way, then definitely go ahead and try different things so that you can choose whatever your life has to it. You can have them, learn and, you know, teach them to you. I do that for me all the time. So it's like I'm curious about something, like I want to actually show me. I don't remember which hand, but they show this point, this point of the ring finger. I believe it was on the right hand, because it wasn't the, you know, the ring finger on the left and they were saying that that is a I don't know if it's about Dr Pressure or whatever, but more like a palm reading that the way that that was a point of portion or lack, and if you push there or put attention to the top line of your ring finger on the right hand, that that is what triggers the metaphysical aspect of one-packing lack and fortune. I was like, oh, that is so freaking cool. You know, I didn't know that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

I kind of researched it and palm history and I think the Egyptian palm history. There is a line that goes there is the money line that goes underneath your index, I'm sorry, the pinky finger and also the ring finger. If you have those, that means you are good with money, you're good with things and you're free luck and things like that.

Speaker 6:

So I thought maybe you're a long time maybe you're the flashlight.

Speaker 2:

We are coming next week, as you all know, but you came to me because I was like I wonder if the mothetic or any of the meridians, because we have meridians all over, and so I was wondering.

Speaker 3:

there is what we call a sangjao and a fascia for finger, and a sangjao is like people have different explanations for it. Right, it's the lijaus, which is what we do. I put it in the middle of a lover so you can look at that as that sangjao, the lijaus and some of that.

Speaker 3:

But also a lot of people are created to the lift system. Some people are created to the fascia system because it connects everything. I know I can't remember now, but when I was learning to do the microcosmic orbit and my teacher was talking about mogulas, there was a reason for this. I remember this because this is the heart, so this was for feeling. I think so. That resonates.

Speaker 2:

It definitely triggers, like if you're going the right direction and you feel that that's the right path, and what they're showing is that when you put in pressure because they're actually showing to put pressure this way- and I know they're doing it right on that line. So if you look at that, it's the metatharsal line, so the very top line.

Speaker 2:

You've got three lines one that connects the finger to the palm and then the midline and then the third line, which is always the top, and that's the one that you push. It's the same as activating a chakra. It's a chakra point. So you're just like I didn't know anything about this, but anyway, they're showing that and so it says if you're opening a portal because chakras are also portals so you can open a portal into this dimension where, if you're having issues with money meaning that you actually your conscious self or your inner child or whatever parts of yourself are hidden that has an issue with money-testing money or money-testing things good in relation to finances there's a lot of fortune that you can actually put focus on that. And while you're pushing that, you can actually ask the manifest, because you're immediately put into that, like in a bubble that is pristine, and then you can manifest things that way.

Speaker 2:

I thought that was really cool. So I'm actually going back to Italy and I have a little. You can all test it. You know, they just gave it to me like two days ago, so I was like I didn't know. So I was trying to look and I wanted to ask you about it because I wanted to see if you had gotten anything in it. But this is how information can come to you. In that way, they are showing that you know, if you're not limited to strict people, leave one thing, but open to whatever is available there. As you grow, they'll share multiple things with you about anything.

Speaker 5:

So you think that the best resource for information is the guides themselves?

Speaker 2:

really, yes, and the biggest struggle with that is what we could trust. Like you were saying, which voice do I listen to? How do I know that that's the right voice? Right that? I think it's a very personal struggle that everybody probably fights with a little bit, and most of us have an issue with when are we really healed on the point of trusting ourselves and whether or not we are capable. How many times do we doubt our own steps and options when we make any decision?

Speaker 2:

That's why they're going to take care of that area that I mentioned before. First, because otherwise they wouldn't interfere with determining who is talking to you, and there is not really a one-chill way to say, oh yeah, it's them talking, because it's just one of those things where I don't trust it and learn to trust it or you don't. The best way, then, is to learn who your guides are when they're coming through, and I don't mean that you have to know everything about them. It's about understanding how they make it feel. So, usually, you can use your body, you can use your energy body, you can use your perception and all your flares your, you know the vehicles, our perception, extra sensory points but most importantly is understanding how they actually feel, most of the time they'll make you feel good. If they don't make you feel good, if you feel depressed, if they are, you know telling you things that you want to hear. Too often you know, like telling you yes to all the things that you want to hear, it's probably not them, you know it's probably something else that they're talking to you in that moment. So they usually are very to the point. They're very honest. You feel good and you feel in a good place, like check in right now. How are you feeling right now as we're talking? In which way? Always? Normally? Yeah, I feel more like. I feel more animated. My face I feel like it's on fire. I feel more energy coming from me. All my aches and things are gone completely. It's as if I'm a completely different person because they are here and they're talking to me.

Speaker 2:

Before we were talking about the medium shift, it was a completely ton of boys and I was like I really I don't know if I should just keep. You know, it's not her path. It's not necessarily everything that she has to do, but there is more. So it was really. You can see how it isn't, because that wasn't true, because it wasn't resonating with you and the truth that you are. But once you know I knew where you wanted to go, then everything is good. So that's how that's one of the very first things Like you feel really good and you'll forget about anything that is happening with you and your life and your body. You feel like you're ready to do anything because it gives you that very good feeling. The other way that you know is that you feel pressures. So we can all do it right now.

Speaker 2:

Christina, before we started talking about her, there was a lot of attention on you, meaning that they wanted me to touch base with you and check and see if you have felt any different lately about your abilities and your intuition, if you've had any type of experiences or anything like that. But it was, you know. I think it's a good time now. Okay, so we can all do it right now and just call in. You know all your people and just pay attention to where you feel them. You can call someone specific or just in general. It takes seconds already here and then just you know, go ahead and we can go around and say where you felt them first. What did you feel, jordan? I'm sorry, I know I'm terribly nades.

Speaker 5:

Well, I'm just saying, I feel like the temperature in your abilities. Isn't it? Yeah, I don't know, I just feel something like work.

Speaker 2:

Okay, don't worry about it. Did you feel any pressure anywhere? Not much. Okay, don't worry, we'll do it again in a second. How about you, tal? How did you usually feel?

Speaker 3:

I didn't feel any pressure anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Which is where the top of your head. I didn't have my head, I got to feel the pressure.

Speaker 3:

No pressure, and usually when I feel something coming that's why I got to feel it I shouldn't expect it to feel like it came right in the middle of my head.

Speaker 2:

Yes, what about you, megan?

Speaker 6:

I didn't really feel a pressure, but I sensed like a sense of humor. I don't know if it had on the children, yeah, beautiful.

Speaker 7:

I feel, just warm around there.

Speaker 8:

I feel like following you and getting a good impression of the head.

Speaker 2:

I don't get to feel the pressure. The room is full of people and things, so go ahead. And when you're feeling busy it's because you need to ground. So go ahead and crowd, and usually you need to ground to the heart, no more reason.

Speaker 6:

Why For? No more reasons.

Speaker 2:

No more reasoness, and also not just grounding with the earth, but you want to also plug in with the higher frequency vibration to feel the energy of all. That is Whatever you want to follow. There's so many for that. I just usually visualize two plugs, one going up and one going down. You're done. For me it's the same. I get a lot of pressure. You feel like a sense of a lot of warmth here. You can feel it around your ears and face and pressure in the chest. You can feel also a like, almost like that feeling of butterflies in your chest, kind of in your belly. A little bit. You can come through that way. The dizziness is usually a huge sign. You can have even a sense of these orientation, as if there's like a shift, like you're feeling, like you're moving or everything is moving around you. When your body first has to get used to the different frequency of vibration, it will do all kinds of weird stuff, to the point that you can even get like like nauseous from it.

Speaker 3:

You can get scared.

Speaker 2:

It's weird. There's a lot of weird feeling and in the beginning that warmth is the first sign that you get that. It almost feels like a hug. You know someone is actually putting something heavy and warm around your shoulder and it's really common sense. It's like they're testing to see whether or not if you're going to freak out or if you're not. That's why they show you this shimmer and not an actual person, because they're testing the water and you're sure that you're okay with everything else.

Speaker 2:

You know, the first time that I saw you know I mean I saw many things, but I'll never forget it when I was at my older house and I knew there was a little girl in the house that was from the time that General Washington was by the creek, that was across the street from around, and she was always in the house and I could hear and everything. And I said, in one night I wake up in the twint park and I'm laying there and I open my eyes and there's this little girl flowing above me with her flowing dress and the long blonde hair and I jumped so fast out of my bed. It was just weird. I'm like I'm going to die. I'm down the street, but you know that was things happen in the house. You know because of that, but, and then you that, but it still happened. But anyway, you know for when it comes down to the guy, specifically the way to show their form. Until you're ready.

Speaker 3:

Do you have a question and it's going to kind of go on so long and it's. I have people that are like you know something that's that was shut down and because most of us grew up in some type of religion, there's always that fear that something you know, something negative you know, and but something that you know. When I was even thinking of the estimates, what I could find was that you know probably the deal with talking about negative things showing themselves, showing themselves to you as I enjoy my life, right. So everyone, I get a lot of people and my friends are Christians who are saying they get all bad, like this is all bad, we should mess around with it. But at the same time, how do you feel if you talk about, if you talk about talking about it in English, we always talk about that. So I guess the question I would like to ask, as you, or all of you guys, how would you discern? You know?

Speaker 2:

So it is not really a straight way to say I wish there was. I wish there was like a magic light or something that we could just use to highlight them, but there isn't. You know, the best thing to do is to make sure that, if you're not, to make sure that, whatever interaction you're having, that you're checking within yourself and, oftentimes, entities, you're not feeling anything Okay, like, you're not getting that warm feeling, you're not getting the pressure on your head, you're not getting any of that. You may be in a rush and asking the question, thinking that you're still talking to your guys and they are interjecting right there and they're answering you in that moment and it's usually they're very, they're very. They're unfortunately deceiving. You know, a lot of the Catholic church will say you know in that kind of way, so they'll use all kinds of ways to come. So it's about you learning to become breather-weather and to check, not because not checking from a point of view of doubt, but checking from a point of view of to really make sure that you are learning to when is your guys are talking and when it's not Okay.

Speaker 2:

So it's also another thing that when you're a healer, because if you're working with other people. They are there's, there's their negativity that is also can interfere with when you're asking questions and talking to me, getting your guys If they're coming in. So it's a person that has been dealing with something for a year or two and they're not really out with their phones and that tackle and I don't want to call it negativity, because it's not that they're negative, it's their crisis, they're stressors which actually becomes an entity, becomes a, you know, fixed form, and that it has so much energy and so much power. The night can actually interfere with the person, usually the way that I perceive that it makes it so that it's impossible to almost read another person. So if there is something there, I'm, I will feel it immediately like I'm not able to get what I need to get, and usually I start saying things and the person said no, no, I don't think that's it. I'm like hold on a second, hold on a second, let me just, you know, get some things out of the way. So that's, you know, it's like.

Speaker 2:

I think as you manage things, you start learning how and where, and they always go for the weaknesses. So it's not like they're going to try and do so many different things. They'll definitely go for your weakness, and if you know your weakness then you'll be able to. I think that's probably the better way to handle them. You know it's. It's maybe not very, you know.

Speaker 3:

Because I feel like I didn't do you know Not in a bad way, but what I I feel for myself like that usually what's being shown to me is is a trans person, like it's not about me, you know what I mean. I usually feel like I can trust that Usually when something is shown that it's even going to be helpful for that person, Like it's.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of full of things I've known all the time and sometimes it starts off like that and then it can change and it's like, oh listen, I've got it. You know what I mean. You start to pick it up. But one time I did it.

Speaker 3:

I remember I was telling something, it was kind of doing it, I was just saying it and then I feel like I got baited onto it and then they and then, like you know, they took it in a different way and I'm like, ah, that wasn't supposed to happen. And I could feel like it's always I got tricked. You know what I mean. You know what I mean, not in like a weird way, because, like, I know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about, I'm talking about this, alanar, it's just to me. I just think it's an energy. You know what I mean, but I noticed that. So now I try to be very clear of, usually, if it's something that's not specifically about the person or myself, or it's always more about just, is this going to help a person open up to more love and more love, then I feel like, okay, you can run that way.

Speaker 2:

No, I agree, I agree with you and doing this work you definitely get exposed to different things and to a game where you have to be vigilant and understand how you operate and how the people operate. The best to do is that if you have the ability to set up your own setting, you can clear people before they get there. So often time, if I already know and feel there is something, or I'll feel the person the first five minutes that I'm working with them, so that and I don't have to tell them what I'm cleaning them off I just take this time to say, hey, let's just get you balanced a little bit or let's get you into a better space so that I can work with you, because you can actually feel them if you learn to pay attention. But sometimes you can be in a rush, like today. I was actually not in a rush, but I went from one to the next session and I ended up in the same kind of situation where it was and in the period, and so then I have to take time and get ready to hear, and then that was okay and that was with the first person. The second person was actually the inner child that was interfering and it became very, very tricky for me. But I knew that already and I told the client and I said you know, this one is resisting, so it's very likely she's going to try to get me from doing the healing. So then we should try. But then we got rid of that.

Speaker 2:

So in that kind of, if the person doesn't know that, they can interpret that as an entity, because they do come across as an entity, they can transform and show yourself, if you are a visual person, which you are then you'll probably feel show themselves in a very particular way, which is also what we've gotten in with that. So it's really fascinating and interesting. I mean it just so vast. The more you try, you think you've got a handlehold of it and the more you're going to, you know there's more stuff that is going to come out. I don't know how much to go into. If you ever come across it you want to decide. This is something that I feel this is probably. At some point you need to learn to clear these entities, and so they'll show you the way to do it. You know the way that you can do it yourself and not. And then, because definitely the world needs more people to clear these kind of things. I know I think when they kind of work on that aspect, that's right.

Speaker 7:

I have a question. So is clearing the difference for everyone?

Speaker 2:

It can be.

Speaker 7:

That's what I wanted to ask. So, like I was going to ask you when you clear the good that you're going to talk about like the mind or something you're saying.

Speaker 2:

So when I first started. So when I first started, they would have me clear people who needed to cross into the light and in the beginning would take me half hour to do it so that I would, they felt they were shown, they would tell me what to say, have to do them, you know how to kind of get them into the corner and bring the light there, and then pulling up on a certain type of angels and create the space and having crops and some of them will fight. But that was for my own learning purposes. And then I got tired of that after about six months because it would take me long and I said, can we just switch back that time? And so then you know this issue or not, that you learn everything, you can just do it in seconds.

Speaker 2:

So now my process is that I go through different layers of different types and from all kinds of belief systems and all kinds of ways. So I start from one point and I go through the whole array and I clear each one. The way I clear is not that necessary that I do it. I feel the process, but I call on specific means to do, to get you know to take care of specific entities, and then I see them, you know, taking care of that, and then it goes through the process and let me know when it's time to go on to the next layer, and then we do that. But I don't know how else are the people doing it? You know, for usually when people are asking me to if they want to learn that town, that even if I give them, it works for a little bit by giving them like a system, usually it's particular for each person. So for you, if you wanted that while you're asking, me to do it.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, I mean. Yeah, I was curious.

Speaker 2:

So for most people, for most people, I think for you, what would be best would be to actually ask and trust that. It isn't necessarily it doesn't have to be your job. You can just call on your own entourage and say whatever you see or can get rid of it because you know doesn't belong here, I don't want it and I'm not right to be here. And you ask it to deal with it. I don't know what it means. However, they choose to do it. That's all. It is the fact that you're aware of something and then you ask for help. It's enough for them to do what they need to do, because they already know what they need to do. It's not like they're not so you can do that. That's something easy they can do for a new body.

Speaker 2:

Some people prefer to call Archangel Michael. Certainly that's the most, one of the quickest and fastest way, because he comes in and he does whatever he needs to do. You don't feel that that's enough. You can always I usually rely on Archangel Michael you even above Archangel Michael and get rid of some things, or even more. You can come on the people that I call. The kind of phone board that's going on is like a call on Moses. That call on, you know, depending on the situation, because there's so many different kinds that you know watch.

Speaker 2:

Go ahead, go for it. I'm just thinking like you call Moses and he shows up in the sand and goes what he's like a heretic a father.

Speaker 2:

He's a Zeus is also not the one that I call, but then you know they almost have like the same signature on presence, father Piel, at some point that's called on them. You know, it depends on the type of entities that I was working with. It's not that kind of thing, but really it's most of the time you can just say, okay, whoever is in charge of this can please come in and take care of it. You know something that I enjoy.

Speaker 3:

When you speak, when you're talking about like unclean entities and you say you know, like belief systems, or that's what you said. I enjoy that because that's a. I enjoy it because it's a belief that I have, which is that I believe these belief systems are entities yeah, of their own, and we just think of like their psychological constructs, which they are.

Speaker 8:

You give birth to them, yeah, yeah, but I also believe they you know their own thing.

Speaker 3:

They're fighting for survival, they're living, they're bringing their entities. I don't know, I don't know why. I find it interesting because it changes it when we work. Yeah, because when you do that you can. Thomas said, you know they're palpable, you know you can see them, you can.

Speaker 2:

It's absolutely true. And the thing is I don't necessarily believe in them, because I don't believe the fear that I used to have, you know, especially connected to the Catholic church and that I grew up with. And then they go, you know, in my 20s or 30s, or no one, but they no longer have a hold on me. In that sense, they can't use the fear to scare me, because now they, you know they'll do like this, like in my mind's eye, they'll show up and, like you know, try to scare me by giving me all these ugly faces or whatever. And I'm like, yeah, whatever, you know.

Speaker 3:

Well, I wonder, when you ask those questions about like, oh, when they're doing like Dr Dill's things which is another top angle over another time, because it's something you ask me kind of often Is that really something that you're? Is that something you truly feel that is good or it can be bad, like if some people end up messing with you or something like that. I wonder if that's what that is. Is that old mindset, that old belief that keeps crying actually? Because what do you?

Speaker 3:

personally feel, yeah, yeah, to be personal, because I feel like it can be people. It can be people that are really crying.

Speaker 7:

Well, I never thought it would be evil until someone said to that that it would be evil, but that's not what it was like.

Speaker 7:

Dr Joe is like this evil, evil guy. I just I don't see it. But in my eyes, maybe whatever he saw was if the evil inside of him or whatever, but it still led him to this. I don't know whatever. It led him to God or whatever. So in my mind, maybe that was the path he needed to take to get there. I don't think Dr Joe is evil. I think our mind is wonderful. Why can't it be oneself again? You know, if he just he did it, he's just teaching people the way that he did it. You know, I don't think it's personally evil.

Speaker 3:

No, no, no that's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying that you think it's evil.

Speaker 3:

Right. What I'm asking is is when you like because I feel like you asked that a lot Right Is it because there's that piece of the old belief that's going in your ear that this isn't good, like not the trust, that you're not the trust fully, because there's a fear behind it, like what if I'm going down the wrong path? And the reason I'm asking that? Because that's true for me, like a lot of the things that I've done Right, you know what I mean. I did it like shaking. I'm not saying it was it was going in.

Speaker 7:

I mean, the person that sent that video to me is super, super religious, so I can see why they feel that way, or like why they you know where they were like, oh, we care.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 7:

You know, so you know, but I never felt like that. I feel like when you're doing that kind of work, you're open to everything negative, like all of it. So that's why you know, in my opinion now I don't know if anyone else feels differently- it was kind of like maybe with all the care cards, all the time the rain virtue, the rain virtue Like when she feels like it's going to get Christian.

Speaker 3:

I could see a lot of people that loved her stuff Right, and I don't something wrong here. Right, and I'm not saying they did, I'm just saying for me, like if it was me, my colleagues for sure I would have, like I don't something wrong For sure, Right. And so I just wondered, like um.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's, that's a personal path that you know of everybody and I think you're very much on target that it was. Whatever reason that we're behind, you know, for him, I think it was more to do with this, like that, and very often, like 90% of us, we can all relate to that. How often do we actually self sabotage? How often do we self sabotage, right? You probably know, megan, right? I'm sure you work with a lot of people and the biggest time was what? Getting to believe that they're self sabotaging, right? Yeah, and what's the best way to self sabotage? Healing? We're leaving that. There is a devil involved. And now I'm doing something else you know.

Speaker 2:

So I think you're in the same before no matter what you do in their perspective, and always checking in with yourself and making sure that you're not in a place that you are susceptible or in a weakened state, which, if you have a weakened mind, every weakened state, that's the biggest. That's the time that you're going to be more susceptible to these kind of things. And it's really funny because many times I don't realize that I actually have still something left over and it will just stay there. The longer they stay there, the more it kind of feels like it's your own self. It's not even anything outside of you, you know. And then all of a sudden you're dealing with your major depression. You feel like your life is, you know, with your questioning everything in your life and you look around in your life but I don't have any reason to feel this way. But then if you have any type of weakness, like in the aspect of yourself that you haven't healed, then the entity will create, will trigger that to where you have these obsessive thinking.

Speaker 2:

And I'm sure you may have been in the Europe therapist who sees a lot of people and it's a huge struggle because that voice is going to get louder. The more you try to get better. You know, the more you're trying to make yourself better, the worse it gets and there's very little you can do. And it really is like you go down the drain really really fast and then you clear, you get rid of whatever and you're like it's like night and day, you know. And another way to know that you've been you have something on your side. You were fine one minute and then the next second you're I rate it enraged and angry and upset and crying and you want to eat everything under the sun.

Speaker 2:

And you know it's like or whatever other things it is. That is in your way, you know. And that's when you stop and you say wait, I mean, that was really fine. And now I have this. You know that there's something going on here, so that's another way to stop.

Speaker 6:

I'm just going to say like you don't really have to know what it is no.

Speaker 6:

You just have to know that there's something going on here in the past, because I feel like when I ask to hear a lot of things at night and it's anything, that I wake up and I ask for help and I feel like I trust that it's clear for me in those moments. But if I'm thinking of doing it on my own or like you're in other people, I don't feel like I'm in a slur, but you're going to actually do that. If you're in a deal, clear yourself or clear others, so then yeah, that's for me like that. I find very confusing.

Speaker 2:

Well, is that?

Speaker 6:


Speaker 2:

It's always given. Yeah, that's probably given. It's never not given. Is that something you want to do, though?

Speaker 6:

Not necessarily.

Speaker 2:

Exactly that's what I think it is. So yeah, I wouldn't even bother, because I don't think it would be. I think you would get lost in it. You know, and the work that you do being a therapist, you already do it on a work-work fact, and if anything, you can bring in your office some copper, you can wear some copper so that it's a conductor, so that actually helps transmit the energy into the earth or other channels, because you can use the earth magnetism to allow the flow of this kind of stuff. It's why it you know, sometimes I won't, and they're saying this right now.

Speaker 2:

So here's the answer to that magic question. We always ask Leo and they're showing it right now. So you gotta ask him, I guess sometimes maybe they need an audience too. Anyway, so the magnetism of the earth kind of goes around like a torsion field and it recirculates itself and oftentimes I feel like, no matter how much I get rid of, there is like it seems to be multiplying to infinity. And that's.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of us in the world, so we create these things all the time. So it's possibly rid of it all, but the thing is that the circulatory motion of magnetic fields is enough to cool all the stuff out of the way and as it goes through the core, because there's so much crystals in here, so many minerals, there's also structures like energetic structures, specifically for that, if you don't have to even worry that it's gonna hurt the earth. That's the question that I hear all about. It's gonna hurt the earth? It doesn't. It's purposely made that way. And then from there there's also a channel that goes to the sun and to other planets, so specific beings that belong to other places and belong to here will be sent like shoot into these, these channel and energy.

Speaker 2:

So what copper does since we wear shoes, one of the best things is the problem with so much activity of negative entities is that we wear shoes and when we wear shoes, but this kind of thing, the earth and so on never discharging, all the work, humiliating, and so it just it's accumulating, accumulating, accumulating, and then we feel like shadow at the end of the day. So if you're wearing copper, or even you put like a copper plate that when you're sitting at the at your desk you can take off your shoes and put your feet on it, it will discharge and connect to the earth and will help effect and or put the electrodes in your.

Speaker 2:

You can wear it to and touch it and kind of visualize that it's discharging in between session and just say give it a bullet, stop. Copper is a wonderful material for that and there's a lot of studies now and it's true. If you actually wire copper around your bed, yeah, it actually helps you sleep. So if you have any problems, that's definitely something that you can do as well, and you resonate with copper a lot. I actually think you need it in your body too, so add it to the minerals. If you get one of those all minerals things you need a little bit of copper. You can drink out of a cup of copper. That would be an object, okay. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because of something you were saying. Before you were talking to me, simone, you were saying about the interview, right, about going with the flow and with your own feeling, and before you guys came, jordan and I were speaking and she was telling me about podcasts. Yeah, with Jewel, you want to talk that? Because I feel like it was going along the same lines of just going with your own feeling yeah.

Speaker 5:

so I listened to a podcast a couple years ago. It was like the singer Jewel from Alaska.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 5:

So she said on the podcast that for her life she used this method of when you're in a situation just going solely based on how you feel whether it's like this nice, good, open field or that like constricted, yucky feeling and the other subject, that's a problem can you share any life?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that goes along with what I said before too, and that's something I do all the time. I'm going to listen to that film, because a few times that I had that I didn't it didn't go so well, but definitely anything that makes you feel good, that brings joy and happiness, and it's something that really you feel like you want to do and with the satisfaction that's always the best way to do it and you're never wrong as part of your path. It belongs to you. In a way You're connecting with it when you're doing something or you're meeting someone or you're buying things. If you're doing anything, you'll get those feelings.

Speaker 2:

Oftentimes we're kind of numbed from it. We're not used to listening to our body because our body will respond to the energy of anything faster than our mind. Our mind responds to the body, the signals the body receives, because it's receiving those signals, but we're so used to ignoring them that we're not paying attention to them. So the mind makes you kind of say something, but we're used to ignoring that too, because we don't know what it's coming from, because we're not paying attention to our body. So when you're not feeling good, when something doesn't feel right, those gut instincts, those you know we are feeling like I don't think I can trust this or I shouldn't do this right now. Those are actually really right to listen to, so absolutely that's the best way to go. It validates also with determining whether it's your guides or entities.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, most entities are really smart ones which are the most like you know. Eh and I don't want to say more, they definitely will. They know not to do that. Other ones usually they tend to be spirits who have not crossed over that. They pretend to be things that they're not. They, you know. They pretty much call them out quickly. They're easy to tag. You know, like it's really interesting. You actually had an entity on you and it was. I'm sorry, you're the lucky one win the winner.

Speaker 2:

Great smells.

Speaker 8:

See what happens when I decrype myself with my bare walls.

Speaker 4:

I think it goes the other way around, but hey, you know whatever things you put in there you want to tell them how you felt Before.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 8:

Oh yeah, so when you were telling everyone you know food and life in there, I started feeling very busy. I'm sitting, but I feel like my whole body was doing this Sometimes. Other times it was worse. It wasn't that bad at this time, but where I started to get like food, house and career focus. As I was getting busy, though, then the nausea started setting in and I started like I don't know how to feel. But now that's the fourth or fifth hour or so I've been through real life, you know, and I started working on it and how I feel about it. I'm acting normal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 8:

I can think, I can concentrate, I can follow the conversation, but I was almost like I've been a part.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, something Sure, because this is the first time something like this happened. No, we're together. It seems to me that something is always trying to come through and you're almost in a strong I'm not pushing back or I'm not denying anything.

Speaker 8:

I was actually open.

Speaker 2:

Probably not you. You're an inner tile.

Speaker 8:

Maybe, maybe I'm not aware of what I'm actually doing.

Speaker 3:

I'm open to. There's a part of me that really wants that and I'm not kind of rude.

Speaker 8:

I kind of touched upon that years ago, you know, and I just pushed it aside. Maybe there's a little resistance, but I'm not trusting as much for a used to. I think it's getting early and so so so far I don't know how much of that comes into play. But right now I came here with the intention of just being open, you know, sharing a little thought and sharing, and now I'm not holding back or pushing back from the side If you want to come through you know, I'm here.

Speaker 8:

No, I can tell you some of my experiences, and this actually might be helpful Before we go there.

Speaker 2:

Can I say something? Just because there are reasons why you've brought the way you have. So and this is for you, Jordan, and anybody else who's listening but the, the busyness, it's not negative entities or any entities that does not resonate, you know, in the best light. It's actually them coming in the business, because they're coming in and they're saying it's not, it's not anything else. The nausea was there because when they're coming in and they are now opening the channels and preparing your body, they're saying there's something that is not right within that. You need, you know, that needs to come out. It has to come out because we can't come in. That's in there. It will interfere. They also get uncomfortable. So you start getting nauseous, because if you get nauseous, you get sick or you get uncomfortable. It's an distraction and you no longer will call in your guides and you disconnect you from that and it's a distraction and that's usually what they'll do. So getting rid of the nausea was the indicator that there was an entity within him and that to care. You know, we just have to care that and then now he can call in and still get busy, but that's because his body's been used to it.

Speaker 2:

And the other thing is that oftentimes the biggest struggle and the reasons why most people have a hard time connecting to their inner children what's really going on within themselves is because we're living in the who we are right now and, like you said, but I'm not struggling, I'm not resisting, you know, in this one, but it's not you. Most often, our inner children are in charge of our choices, of our decision making, of you know how we perceive the world, how we interpret all the messages and the feedback that we're getting, and it interferes into reading the feedback the right way. So you, as I asked you that question, sure that's the answer. I want them, I want to chant, I want to do this, but your inner children are saying no, no, no, no, we're not going there. And the reason? Mostly because whenever something has happened that has given you the sense of failure and not doing it right, your answer to that is what? Which is the hard? Question.

Speaker 8:

Oh yeah, but if I'm not going to be able to do it the right way, well, I'll be able to. I don't know what I'm going to do.

Speaker 8:

I think there was something that happened to me. I must have been like when we get messages and we stop questioning it, that's one thing, but that's like an internal dialogue that's taken place. But when you're actually trying to work with other people and they're looking for you to get those messages and you start hesitating or you feel like you have a connection and you lose the connection, that will well. Now what comes out of my mouth is is it really me? Is it them? Is it what I think they want to hear? This is the case and I can't firstly, connect with them. They're telling me to tell this person what I want to do. It. It's the last thing I want to do is tell me what they tend to do. They're not going to tend to be someone. This is what they want you to know and you are. It's my own use, I'll say so. I beg you to. I need to be reassured. There was a meetup a couple years back that I actually actually you want to talk about this.

Speaker 3:

Whatever? You want to go?

Speaker 8:

Let me give you a little bit of history about everybody. About ten years ago, twelve years ago, when I first got to work, you know, at the boss from my first wife, I went through a lot of times, I mean emotionally, and I eventually moved from the opposite to the other, just like I started all over again. But in those couple of years before, when I first got to the boss, I came and come to a movie with the new help I was. They came to me in my dreams and they were shoving things and teaching things and I knew it was. Then it wasn't a dream before.

Speaker 8:

I became lucid in the dream and I felt my whole body feel what they were trying to teach me. That was experiencing all the emotions and everything. And when I woke up it was with me. It wasn't like, oh wow, it was a crazy dream. I woke up like, oh, everybody just happened to do this. It wasn't my imagination that it really happened and it happened again and again and again. So then I started the new hope. There there's a you call it a TOCAT.

Speaker 8:

You can maybe call that an impulse for miles, and I would go on there and I would walk for a few miles, up to eight miles at some point, just talking to it. All right, you know, michael Gabriel, those four odd things that I usually talk to in my head, and I would be Michael Gabriel, ariel and Rackleel and it got to a point where I would ask questions and I could hear my own thoughts giving the answer, but I wasn't sure if it was them or not, like an alter ego, and you know, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah Is that really them or is it me?

Speaker 8:

What happened was? There's a lot of other things that happened before. I came to New York too, and I also looked at how people channel angels, and I was very successful at it, even though I couldn't really do it myself. So then I wanted once I was out here, I wanted to try and do that, and I had a meetup group. It was an angel meetup group, and now people have a channel, and then I started having a little bit more experiences. And.

Speaker 8:

I noticed. I'll tell you my experiences. When I channeled on Angel Michael, he had more of a sense of humor, was kind, gentle, preferred. When I channeled Jesus, I felt incredible love inside me, even in a new joker. I was like my God, this is so, this is like. I can't make this stuff up. When I channeled Rocky Yelp, I felt a very calm, warm, soothing attitude, like everything was just, it was just life was just perfect. But it felt inside my body, not just my mind. When I channeled Metatron, he became what was very, very firm, strong, very strong, firm. No nonsense, that kind of thing, no nonsense, you know, like this is the way it is Almost like like a general, like a general in the army, like they're very serious, they're focused. No nonsense, this is what we're going to do and that's it, no drama, but what's wrong? And feeling as well that it will be very, very disciplined type of energy. I think there was another one. I think it was the very minor pump drill. I think. Another thing I think it was out of jail.

Speaker 8:

I was real as someone I used to contact a lot Because I started having experiences, especially when, I think, to be able to do the downpour that soul then needed to be passed to a light. I always felt like there was somebody with me that never threatened me in any way and I said you need to go and feel light and I just felt right. I don't feel like, yes, but I just felt right. And the smaller story about this earlier. But for me it actually took 10 seconds to pass on to the light. All I did was pull off. I think I was real. First I said to the person I'm going to pull him into, the story I called in Oz, we all I'd write out Within 10 seconds my whole body would tangle To me that was. I don't know what that represented, if that was going to say thank you to me or like the energy was gone. And I got that. I got the acknowledgement that it's okay to be a job of God and it usually happens 10 seconds. And I knew that when I felt that, alright, it wasn't so long ago. There were times when I felt the presence in my bed and when I was sleeping. I bet you know something more negative and again it took seconds. As soon as I called up, I think Michael could come in, he could move it Gone All of a sudden. Whatever I felt, it just disappeared. I don't know. I mean, I explored a lot. I explored a lot to me, but at the time I just didn't know what I was doing. I just knew that whatever I was doing, I actually thought something and that just stuck with it. No one taught me how to do that, I just did it on my own.

Speaker 8:

Now, going back a little bit, when I was bringing you up, I had a buddy of mine and he used to kind of do a lot of negative stuff, kind of like slash, like a significant icon, where he would take the other thing aside and then he would go I think they're not really on the other one and he used to do these events at our favorite area, one in the house in the sign on it, and he used to do these events where he would try and summon some of the spirits that come through. And this guy was really good. I like to get used to it. He had a microphone on a visual recorder and he would just talk to the people anyone here, anyone here and anyone who would be quiet for a minute and rewind it, play it back. It didn't come in nice and clear and then when he did the research, it turned out there was a person named John who died at that house or died along a certain score or something.

Speaker 8:

Anyway, the reason I'm mentioning that is he maybe unknowingly invited a lot of dance and I always had the angels around me to protect me before I was a show-all and people would get pushed, or you know, like I don't think anything actually flew off a shelf or anything like that, but he got pushed big time out front and even though I was in the middle of the rule, war or around the area, I never, ever, ever got any kind of push for or anything comfortable or whatever.

Speaker 8:

And I think it's before I actually commanded the angels to come around and to stay around me and be my bodyguard. So there was a lot of things I used to teach people too, and that is you can invite them all the time to be with you, to talk, and this is how you could all be built to channel. You just make them more casual. Don't look for like, oh, what's going to happen, or an accident or something, or am I going to see a war or anything. Just do it and whatever happens happens, because when you have an expectation and it doesn't happen, then you'd have ah yeah, I guess maybe it's not going to happen, you'd just be open to it and you start to have experience of these, to develop a more of a friendship with them. And for me, I was able to help people, I was able to work on people, I did great work, I did some IDP and I'm a little bit of a modality and I was bringing it.

Speaker 8:

I didn't really follow the team and the body. I did modality. It was more like the IDP permission to come into my body and just help this person and I actually felt a lot of energy going through me. I didn't necessarily know what was happening or know what was happening and I didn't know what their issues were or if they were getting healed or whatever. I just trusted that they were doing whatever they needed to do and I mean that was a couple years ago and I kind of walked away from that, distance myself from it, Because he's a heart-acting person.

Speaker 8:

But, I've heard him out to do a lot of it, and one of the reasons why is because I don't really hear them. I don't see them, I do feel them. That's the only thing I have to do with the field. I'm very in the process and when I did channel it I didn't hear them.

Speaker 8:

But what I did was the way it worked for me was that paragraphs of sentences would pop into my mind like a complete thought and I would just blur it out, and then I had to almost be quiet and wait for the next series of sentences to pop in. And I knew it wasn't me because I could be quiet at one minute and all of a sudden, oh okay, and I'm just talking about something, and then when I finished elaborating, another thought would come in. So I knew it wasn't me thinking about it, because I didn't even know what to think of the sake and I just the thoughts keep coming in as they come. I would say it and the next thought would come in and I would say it For other people, many of them. They can hear them, they can see them, they can have more direct connection with them.

Speaker 3:

You want to pass this on. Yeah, when you were talking, you completely changed. You completely changed. And now I want you to say, oh, I won't even go into that metaphysical phase, just posturally you changed. You never sit like that. In the whole time, in all the conversations you've had together since you started doing this, you changed. And then they go in and change again and you say, well, I stopped doing it. You know, sumona is a hard act to follow. I saw it's like you gave your power away.

Speaker 3:

I saw it's like you were like different, like it was a different, it was a different view that I don't know. You know what I mean. And then now, as we're talking, it's like I don't like it's a change that I'm finishing, or I just want you to be aware of that. You constantly do that and you actually enjoyed it, you enjoyed it.

Speaker 2:

You were in your power, you were in your being. You were not you like. You switched and you went. You were certain of what you were saying. So I know that you have, but you tend to kind of then shift into the safe area the stories that you moved on to, and not that before I stayed locked in. But I want you to pay attention to something else, and I appreciate that you said that. You said what you said power. Did you realize that the whole room was captivated? Yeah, you felt it.

Speaker 7:

She didn't see what rolled up. Oh, okay.

Speaker 8:


Speaker 3:

But I also the reason why I like watching like that I take it personally a little bit Because I feel like not in a bad way. What I mean by that is like I feel like watching you sitting in that place. It's like, oh, wow, like if he was able to sit in that place more often, I think it would actually my saying you guys have problems with your relationship. I'm just saying it would actually benefit you in your relationship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I feel like it would With his self. With himself Really great, but with his own self, even if you.

Speaker 3:

Well, if he's feeling good about himself, I think that would go into the show.

Speaker 8:

I'll take it to an all, yeah, yeah, see, the thing is and again, I don't want you guys to have expectations, because that's the problem I have.

Speaker 2:

That's your safety? What Like how you do that? I'm sorry.

Speaker 8:

I'm sorry, I apologize, guys you have to come back here.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I just get excited. It's like, oh my God.

Speaker 8:

See, when you said, when you were saying like you see me like going to a different place, some people can feel when they come in like very strong With me, it's very subtle that I have to really pay attention. But then when I do it I don't even realize I'm doing it.

Speaker 2:

What's wrong?

Speaker 8:

with that, because then I don't know that it's them. I feel like I just but you're making better problems. What is that it's?

Speaker 2:

not a problem.

Speaker 3:

Can I say something to you?

Speaker 6:

So I feel I know like you and I might be similar. In that way. I do not see things. His wife is one of the characters.

Speaker 2:

No, please, I'll take any way.

Speaker 6:

Please give the shot I don't see things, I don't hear things.

Speaker 6:

I feel like it's more of like a knowing of what I feel it.

Speaker 6:

And also when I'm working with people in therapy, there's time where things just start coming out of my mouth and I was not thinking about those things Right, and I will even say to myself because I talk a little like I don't talk to girls, but I it's just coming out and I'm like in my mind. Then I'm like where is this going to come from? I love thinking about this and it's always spot on. So then I'm like, okay, I know this is amazing, I know this is coming through me for them and I trust that. But the minute I start to think about really hope I need your help tonight like comfort, because I don't know what to do with this couple or this individual then I'm too much in my head and then I feel like it messes with my belief because I'm not seeing anything, I'm not hearing anything. So I feel like we have to kind of go on with trust and then it's a different proving, I feel like it's just hard to always believe it.

Speaker 8:

I go through the same exact thing you just said, and the reason I think that happens to me and it could be too is that we put pressure on ourselves to get that messy and now I'm like, okay, I'm not getting it, I'm not getting it, but when I don't put the pressure, like I was early on. Let me just tell you a little bit about my sword. It just came out. But you know this is damn subtle.

Speaker 5:

Enough, Go ahead. You know what that feels like almost you guys are saying you put that pressure on. That feels like that constricted feeling that I was saying that, like June goes with this open. So by putting that pressure and that expectation, I hope that they come through like you're causing this, like constriction. You know what I mean. Maybe they can't come through so clearly, you know.

Speaker 8:

You just have to tighten it up Very, very See.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing, that is amazing. You must have a job, you must have. You're natural, but can you?

Speaker 6:

It just seems like it would be easier to be able to see, or hear this.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right, I'm going to tell you a secret. It's not really a secret that I share with as many people as I can. When I can, it could be a opportunity arises. You know how I got this much? It isn't because I knew that I could. It's because I chose to believe that I could.

Speaker 2:

It's a choice that I make every day, because the moment that I did it once, I noticed that, oh fucking God, it's my mind, it's the way that you can trick your mind into believing that you can. It was really thanks to them that they showed me that. They said you don't have to do it, you just have to believe that you can. So there was one sentence that you said that you were certain of it. You had certain people in that sentence who made this statement that you were working on a person, and you said I don't feel anything, I don't even know what I'm doing, but I know I'm doing something.

Speaker 2:

There was certainty and belief in that one, and so the other trick that I use is that if you did it once, you can do it always. If you did it once, it's not true that you can't do it another time. It's not true that I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. I have to call on them and I hope they come. If they came once, you always come. If you got it once, you always will get it. That's all you have to do and then you can actually feel it. It changes immediately because it shuts down that belief out of belief so you're in a child tries to trick you into believing that oh, I can't do it because I can't feel it. But you can heal someone and you believe that you can heal someone and you don't know what you're doing and what you're feeling.

Speaker 8:

That's I mean, if you're the same way as me. Like you know, I've gone rapey and the people in my car. That was amazing to me. What did it feel like? But that's your superpower, don't you see?

Speaker 2:

how powerful it is.

Speaker 8:

I have. My hands do get red hot, I have to say they do get red hot, but other than that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. There are times where I feel the energy coming through and then I started doing things and again it's not consistent, but I started experimenting. You know what, michael, roughly out of here, I give you permission to come inside my body and what I felt like sometimes I feel it actually. It felt like, say, I'm still sitting here, people just come in like this and behind and just put his hands right into my hands, come in, and then I would just do this and I felt strong and more confident when I was doing healing. But I don't know what's going on, I don't know if it's working, I don't know if the person has an issue here or an issue there.

Speaker 8:

Sometimes I feel, you know, not tempered, but more inclined to go in this part of the body and go on this part of the body. It's not a very strong intuition, it's just, like you know, I got it to go here and there. The part that did that part that turned me off and I kind of stopped doing the brain keys because people would say, probably getting any messages. No, I'm not really. You can feel anything. Is anybody here One?

Speaker 3:

would be a psychic.

Speaker 8:

I can't do that but that made me feel like you know I feel more than I can do and you know, for me it was like that. I'm just going to say that Maybe I'm making this up, maybe I'm doing something, but they know what happened. A lot of people have a good experience, but I need to know that there is something going on here. Okay, maybe they feel a little bit good because just another person is helping them is enough to make them feel good, you know.

Speaker 2:

But you healing someone and this is, you know, this is for anybody. When you do healing, you don't choose what you're doing. What you're saying is that you are fighting the way you said it. You're trying to force something to happen when perhaps you're not even taking consideration that maybe this is exactly how you chose it, but this is exactly how you're supposed to do it, that there is to be acceptance before you instead of criticism and rejection, before you actually get to the next level. That's actually a huge thing. When you're going into healing or doing any of this work, you have to accept that the things that they are, they're perfect for you. In that moment, it's exactly how they are, and the moment that you accept that, it's like saying yes to the universe and say I love this, thank you so much for what you're giving me. I'm so grateful. And then they know that you're ready for the next step and they show you the next step.

Speaker 2:

But if you're forcing which means that I need to know what's going on what if that's going against the path that you've chosen for yourself and by which pursuing that you'll never achieve it? Because you're not stopping to ask. I am creating a story that I need to fit in, to fulfill some kind of needs, that I'm going about it the wrong way, instead of looking and saying what if I just accepted that this was actually unity, the powerful? What if I got to decide what I want to do and what it actually is, so that I can actually make peace with it and accept it and make it okay. It doesn't have to fit. You're trying to fit it to a parameter that you think it has to be.

Speaker 2:

You compare yourself to you mean myself and other things, thinking that that's actually the way it should be. But what if it isn't?

Speaker 8:

I know. I self-created it I self-created it.

Speaker 2:

So how long does it take to be there before?

Speaker 8:

That first thought of the last one and it showed up.

Speaker 2:

Any practice for 12 years.

Speaker 8:

I practiced it first 6 years. I mean, I don't really, if I do any healing on anybody, I don't really follow it, because I feel some of the other things I've learned is that you know, energy workers, energy workers. I could be sitting here and I could be doing these guys healing and I don't have to put my hand on their body.

Speaker 3:

So what you're saying?

Speaker 8:


Speaker 8:

Because the healing energy comes from here. It's hard, so I could just picture like you guys and I just shoot the energy towards you coming from here and as I do it it's like a place of love. I think of it as you are now perfect, if I is now in aligning with the original blueprint of the way your body is supposed to fit, without the impurities, without the negative thoughts, without the toxicity in your body. All that if you give your body's restocked. It's a original blueprint. You do it from a place of love and that just you drive that energy in, like when Jesus, and I picture Jesus like Rocky Yell. Yes, maybe they aren't doing some of the things I don't know about, but a lot of the healing comes from the place of love and that's it.

Speaker 3:

I think that it can answer something, this thing that you were saying the God of the way he is, the way he is, by asking if I'm feeling something. You know, I remember the first time that I chanted I was like it came with the feeling externally right, it was very, very external that something here and it came like this and I just kept going. But then one day it wasn't like that at all, it was just I, was just me, and the words were where did I come from? Shouldn't that spark your confidence? And there wasn't this major thing, right, because it's just what I am. What if you found out that when you're coming off like that and everything else, you're part of you as well, right? So the reason you're not feeling this huge shit, like I think you're looking for this huge production, but there's no big production because it's just what you are already, right, you feel it's supposed to be something. But what if already?

Speaker 8:

you already are that already and that's the picture that we all miss. As human beings, we're always looking outside our soul. It's like a natural way of looking right, and when you talk to God, you talk to God like he's outside, but he's within our soul, but you're always looking out there for it. Where are you? Please talk to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and then you're looking for this big production too much, but I don't think you need it. I really don't think you need it when you were talking before the way I saw you before that Leo doesn't need all of that.

Speaker 8:

That's the part I think I need to and maybe you must too.

Speaker 5:

But I guess, but these parts I understand it too. So I didn't mean to interrupt you. But not everybody has the same GITS, messages or HEROES or SEES or all these things. So can we have all Claire's or? We just have to practice and go around, you can be fully open.

Speaker 2:

I am fully open, so you can. But just practice, and you're working on it. You're one of those. Not practice, don't look at it as practice Just once you accept it, really accepting the things that are. The more accepting you are, whatever's going on, the easier it is, because anything besides acceptance that needs to be used as trouble. You're already talking about the constriction is that you understand the process very well, so go ahead. Do I finish what you were saying before you were going somewhere else?

Speaker 5:

No, I was just thinking maybe. So maybe, like Paul was saying, you already have this in you. You know they're in you, but maybe you're not as open to the words. You know what I mean. Like whatever Definitely seems like you've had something different. It's usually the story that the structure just gets out.

Speaker 6:

I think we have to be in the end of it right now.

Speaker 6:

Okay, Our mind, our thoughts get in the way of staying open or mind I'll keep them myself. But that's usually what happens. But here that comes up, it's like you don't actually know what you're doing, you're not capable of that, and then it takes away any like things that I have in myself or ability to just connect with all of ourself, to really be present, to help others heal. But when I allow that to kind of go away, it's like a whole other therapist in the room. So I know that it's my thinking that gets in the way for a lot of things.

Speaker 8:

It's a much harder to talk down.

Speaker 2:

It took me.

Speaker 2:

Let me see I don't know, what that felt very well 15 years of intense, intense and reward, with the help of my dad, into understanding everything that was going on. And prior to that I had looked and searched and was struggling with myself and my inner self and not understanding what was going on and why it was happening. I had no idea, no idea what's going on and I wasn't like it's an animal in that and the stories that I believe and everything that I said, they were so freaking real to me but it doesn't make any sense. But yet this is what I'm experiencing. It's a huge struggle. It isn't easy. It's one of my biggest missions to try and get the material that I've actually accumulated, the information to help people out there in the form that I understood it and so that other people can benefit from it and go to the way.

Speaker 2:

But for anything that we do, whatever it is, it doesn't matter in life what it is. If you have an issue, it will affect everything. It's not just going to limit to what you're trying to do to become a healer or become anything. If you go into a relationship, you're bringing all that with you. If you're going to war, you're going to bring all that with you. If you're having a child, you're going to bring all that with that relationship, and so it's especially for a healer.

Speaker 2:

And if you are, because they're going to help you heal your own things, because by which you're going to learn how to manage other people's, and then you're going to always find the right people to come to you because you have exactly what they need. No matter how ever you try, you get probably specifically every patient that you get that you have there's specifically. You have all the answers for them, and when they are trying to upgrade you, you go through a period of time where it seems like everything is happening all at once, and then you learn something new, and then you get new patients. You find people who come in.

Speaker 6:

They also get a lot of clients that they could be coming out and I'm like, oh my god, I need to go through it.

Speaker 5:

So like constantly.

Speaker 6:

I'm getting clients that are showing me more of the things I do.

Speaker 2:

It is a two-way street, for sure, and it's a beautiful two-way street, but I think we all struggle with is not. There has to be a will, there has to be a choice and the people keeping thinking into deciding that the way you've been believing or constructing your life or processing certain information, it's not working for you. And that is hard, that's just very hard. This is the difficult thing to do and we struggle with that for a long, long time, and oftentimes it's an aspect that you have to revisit over and over and over again, not because you didn't do it right, but because it affects different areas of the psychic. And so then you know you may treat safety first, and then you have to work with trust issues, and then you have to work with support, and then you have to work with acceptance, and then the last one is self-love. So you can't do that when we got all the other.

Speaker 2:

It's not easy. We all have challenges. Trust me, it's not, you know, but it's fun as much as it was painful. I enjoyed every step of the way. So it was a fun adventure and it continues. So I enjoyed every step you know.

Speaker 5:

So I know we kind of talked about a little bit about boundaries for entities and what they did, what kind of suggestions you have for the thing that happened and out in the world, you know, just you know, like, are there things we can do, like doing for ourselves to help protect our energy and, you know, begin when we don't need to.

Speaker 2:

So I am going to share my opinion on it, and it is my opinion on it and it doesn't have to be yours. You don't have to invite ideas, and most people don't want it. I don't believe in protections, because it doesn't help. The protection that you're looking for is to get rid of much of your own inner wounding as you possibly can. That is what will provide protection. If you think you need protection, you're already exposing yourself to danger, because that means that you think you don't have what it takes to protect yourself from the stuff, because you're looking for protection. So it doesn't mean that you don't have what it takes to. Are you not stronger than they are? Right, are you not more powerful than they are? Of course you are. So that's for protection. But if you really want what I think works best, you have to go person by person. So for you it's a specific incense, like Palo Santo and the other one that the church uses, frankincense. Frankincense for you is the strongest one. It resonates with your frequency and that means that if you're looking for protection, you have to understand energy. If you don't understand energy, you can't think of it's like it's a. You have to accept that energy works in a very specific way. These are my beliefs, and the fact is that in order for you to keep yourself away from everything, if you want to, is that you have to get your frequency to the room, point. The problem is that we are constantly in contact with everybody, at all times. It's as if there is an ocean. We're in the ocean with everybody else and you're respecting not to be communicating anything with everybody else, yet we are. We're constantly in contact with everybody, and the more you become a bigger healer, the more you're transmuting other people's energy. So I'll tell you this I made a schedule, a session with the girl about 10 days ago.

Speaker 2:

That happened yesterday and a day or two later I started having this thing through my left leg and it started in a weird way, in a particular way, and I worked and we walked, and I was also working for three days in a row, and I do. I've been in nurse for 12 hours on your feet for three days. You know it's not fun, but anyway, it continued. It got worse and it got worse and it was like where I was limping for days and you know it was pretty intense pain and I tried to clear it. I tried to get better of it.

Speaker 2:

Nothing was happening. It started getting a little bit better because I did a little bit of inner work, because even if it is of someone else's, if it finds a spot in within you music. You also have an issue as well and I know I've been trying to get my attention to my left leg because of my way of thinking around some project that I'm working on and how I'm struggling a little bit with that right. And then I do my session yesterday with this girl and she says you know, I really want to talk to you because my left leg and my hip has been bottomed like crazy and the pain left and I was like mother of Jesus, you know it's like I suffer for 10 days.

Speaker 2:

I suffer for 10 days. It was insane amount of pain on it and I'm not wanting to take medications like I'll deal with it, but I have to use, you know, like regular or whatever kind of stuff. So if energy can reach me across or whatever you know, with someone that I don't even know, just because we made an agreement that we were going to heal, we were going to work on it and that was already in my heel for all that time, how are you protecting yourself from what? What am I protecting myself from? Right? No, there's no protection. It's not protection. You have to focus on it. It's a.

Speaker 2:

We are a partnership, just like um, just like mushrooms are, just like trees. We are connected by the roots. We are all one system and we are sharing. If one is stronger than all the others and there is a weaker part of the tree or weaker part of that ecosystem, the stronger one will go on and share their energy with other people to help them heal. That's a healer. Now, that's my belief system, though it doesn't have to be yours, you have to make your own, but that's what I believe. So when you're asking me about protection, it's your.

Speaker 5:

Yes to help heal me, and then I'm going to heal you, okay.

Speaker 2:

Because the less fractures or opens or, in you know, frictions you have within your energy field, the less that comes on you In the least of what is of theirs, and then the entity is another other all other thing you know, but that they kind of work a little bit in common with them. The thing about energy, or at least what you really want to focus on, and because, since they made that mark on your forehead, I do believe you're going to help people, you know, with healing their aspect of themselves and they're going to use you as a template, you know, and just work on that. In that sense, you will have opportunities. What you're going to need, to me, to learn more is about boundaries with people, clients and, you know, not overstepping over certain boundaries. Like at first, it's very easy to get super involved with you know, with clients or with people, because you care, because you want to be there for them and all that kind of thing. But and they'll show you all this and they'll tell you, if you're supposed to meant to experience certain experiences, then you'll have that. Don't. Don't believe that you're doing something wrong, don't look at us doing something wrong, because you're meant to experience doing something wrong so that then you know what to do. You have to do it right, you know. So don't get caught up into analyzing the wrong doing as much as thinking. Thank you for the experiences, like when I was saying the reasons why they had me go through the. You know the intense of trying to eliminate not only by crossing a person over into the other side, and the fact that it took so long was to really strengthen my connection to spirit and to other side and also build up my confidence and appreciate the fact that I could do that and that we could talk to them and bring resolution to people. And also because at that time I was very interested in becoming a medium. So there was more than one factor going on. So don't many people are going to do things in very different way. I never tell someone you have to do it this way. They'll show you trust. However, it's coming for you. Whatever makes you feel right, whatever doesn't make you feel. If it feels too tight, it isn't right for you. It may be right for them, but it isn't right for you. The boundaries is where I will focus more with you know.

Speaker 2:

Next, with yourself, not overdoing, not overstepping, and understanding where you know how you're getting triggered, what is triggering you, where you know you have to work, the areas that you need to work at, and the faster you go through that not faster, but you know the sooner you accept what is coming up, the faster you're going to get to the next level. And never think that you have to work on more than one thing at one time. I always thought I don't. This is going to contradict that. You know, like, take whatever is in front of you and work with that.

Speaker 2:

So work on one thing at a time, because the moment you feel that, the moment you work on that, the moment you learn everything about it, you'll be shown the next step. So don't ever try to say, oh, but you know, just be three steps ahead. Just be okay with the process the way it is. If it feels slow, it's okay, it's meant to be slow because then it'll probably be faster, you know, at some point. So be okay with whatever acceptance. I guess it's really the key to it. What's the least? We're going to take it for a gigabyte one into it. What did you think about all this? I don't know why they keep wanting.

Speaker 7:

I keep going, I know.

Speaker 6:

I feel like you remind me of my sister a little bit like I when I think of my younger sister, I feel like she has I'm going to use the word power, but like all this power or she has beings following her home from work and in her car and in her house, and all of that I feel like you need to talk to Simone after and she will not go there.

Speaker 6:

And I feel a similar way about you, like I feel like you have this thing and it's almost like to me. I'm not going to run, but it means that you won't go there and you won't explore it a little bit more.

Speaker 7:

It's true, I don't feel the need to explore it more. I mean, I feel like when I would come to like who would require medication and all that I don't know what medication, but I would hear things and I would not see things in like like work here, but more in my mind and some people like are very strong, but she would get very strong vision.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like our husband, husband that passed away, like came to her, like oh my God.

Speaker 7:

yes, I don't think I'm going to say anything about it? I don't know, I don't know when you said because I felt in general, so I remember. So, yeah, no, rob, I do when he passed away for some reason. It was always something that happened to me, like whether it's a family member, whatever, I always see them like I'll be in my car driving somewhere. I always see them in a vehicle driving. It's then like I literally like I went broadcast remember.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, like that little silver. It's the little silver you saw sector. Literally saw him on the road driving. I always see them on the road driving all the time. Every time someone passes, I'll see them on the road driving. I mean I don't really felt in me like I'm like what would I get out of it? Something like I'm going to be, something like you are, or you know, I don't know that. I kind of felt you don't have to.

Speaker 2:

You don't have to. The thing is, though, that when you first, as soon as you said on that, teri, I didn't see it there, but right now we're all wrong. I didn't see it there, but right there, they said oh, make sure, you, you know, you ask her because you know there is more, there is more stuff going on, and you got this thing, you know beautiful, being right behind you, and, even as you're saying this, it's like yeah, we're here, but it doesn't. It doesn't have to be. You get to determine. Whatever I did, you don't have to be. I'm not. You got coming to you because I'm pushing you to wear any pants, or more, because they're like proper, Cercina's like okay.

Speaker 7:

Right, I saw it all the time when we were about to dance on Thanksgiving and, you know, someone else was like hi.

Speaker 2:

I'm not really sure. So I wanted to make sure that, whatever I need to say I say because otherwise we'll just keep repeating it over and over again. You know, like there is, there is a gray shadow that keeps going back and forth from that window to you and it's right around you. So I know it came with you. But even now, as I was thinking about, you know, when you talk about people that passed, usually that's a person who has that hasn't crossed over yet. But that's something that you can do. You can have them cross over if you want and get rid of it that way, because they'll come home with you and won't stay here. It already has known you for a bit, you know so, but you don't want them around for too long, yeah, so if you want to do it now, you can.

Speaker 8:

Okay, try.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, go on. I was right out Nice. So what did you? What did your experience look like for?

Speaker 5:


Speaker 5:

So there was a person inside of her, not singles, but like that. Okay, so I don't know. So I talk to a lot like in my head. So like I have like, so like when I do a review on massage, I try to listen to the reactions and talk to someone about you know what this person needs, or like how we can get things that come in my head while I'm giving a massage and so I try to set like a lot of intentions. So I just said, like you know, so I know I talk to Michael, and one other time maybe he says his name very quickly for it. So it's not like April, it's not real. But when I just passed out I was like okay, so being a baby.

Speaker 5:

I was like okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, and then I felt like a couple of breaths and you took a couple seconds for it.

Speaker 2:

But like, first, what? Yeah, it's like second, that's awesome. Good, right, it was easy. Right, it was good.

Speaker 6:

For me, like I just had a lot of fun thinking about that being having a lead, because the first thought I had was, like well, what if there's like someone that you want to stay with you? That won't be a deal.

Speaker 8:

Is it their best interest?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Well, that was Maybe. I guess I mean the fact that it was great. I guess I went ahead a couple steps because I already identified what it was, you know, and perhaps maybe I needed to be more conscious of that and just kind of say, hey, there's something, what it is, you know, well, there's so many beings, it's like you know how we're gonna, but it will be a good exercise, I guess, for you guys.

Speaker 8:

Go ahead. You know there is a loved one, for example, and you know you have an acting one. You know, just because you send it to the light, it's gonna be a kind of acting basically.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, loved ones, it works differently. When you are asking for a loved one to come and be with you and talk to you, they're already in the light. They're not leaving the light to talk to you, they're just showing themselves and their presence and sharing the space with you in the moment. And it's a different thing. You know, you don't have to send it. This one just specifically needed to go in the light so that they can. Then, if they want to communicate with their family member, they can, you know, because in this state they usually tend to, and this one was a very light gray, so it must have passed very recently and it hadn't been in this in-between space for very long. So it was really looking for someone to help them, you know. But if they, if you let them go, they'll become all kinds of things, meaning if they stay in this limbo state, they'll become all kinds of things.

Speaker 2:

And then you know, it's not as easy as that, you know, to get into the light, and I think that's why there's so much need for mediums, because there's a lot of people it's losing someone is a huge, you know. It's such a big void and you need to fill it and get those assurances, you know. So it helps, I think. But I think we can also become extremely attached. I know that through that theory for myself too, because I have the ability, I can easily fall in on anybody who's on the other side of my certainty and reassurance they don't feel better or just to have that minute, you know, with them. But the moment that I did it a little too much, I said okay, we're going to stop you from doing that. So you know, longer, for a period of time you're not going to be able to do that. Right, but it's, you know, it's all good.

Speaker 5:

Would you be interested in sharing with us what maybe you're really interested in, like what's a day in your life? So, like you know, you heal people. What did that look like? You know?

Speaker 8:

She wakes up. She's so happy about it. She had a bruise and then she goes into healing mode.

Speaker 2:

That's an interesting question. Let me see, it's not glamorous, you know, so don't think it's very glamorous. As for the healing, it's, I think it's usually very involved, meaning that, like my session, can go on for the first session, usually between an hour and a half to two hours long, but during that time the person shifts a core belief system that prevents them from interacting with their lives the way they should be or the way, in an easier way or at least much happier way. And it's an intense process and it's a specific process that you know. We go through, like finding whatever it is that they're struggling with, to then kind of the cause of it, the origin of it and the sentence that is that the inner child is holding onto the hidden truth that the inner child is holding onto, it is defending whatever vulnerabilities and be harmed, and then we go through the process of dealing with that. And so it's a long process.

Speaker 2:

I enjoy it extremely, but I, you know, because I do dedicate you aren't during the session, whatever comes up, it's you, you know. So it's not left like half done, it's taken care of If they, or at least it's brought up to where it's needed to be brought up. If there's another session. They usually give them time like a month or two, whatever time they decide, and then, if they need to come back for more often time in one session, they do feel well afterwards. You know much, much better, so I don't know.

Speaker 5:

Thank you for sharing that.

Speaker 2:

No sure I'm not the most at ease at like telling myself, because it's a difficult thing for me to describe, but I do enjoy doing that very much yeah.

Speaker 6:

Can I share what my experience? Is Sure.

Speaker 6:

So I have had a few sessions in the last few years and I think a lot of people go into having a session like that thinking like, oh, this person is just going to like give me all the answers. So, like my life, and what I have found, which has been really helpful for me, is really more like therapy session, where you're doing a lot of inner work that sometimes it's not easy to do or that you're not seeing clearly, with the added help of really good interviewers. Well, but it's to me it's like an intense therapy session.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what they usually provide is the answers. So you get answers, they tell you why. I mean, at first they try to and I say they because it is true to guide. They tell me it's like navigating through the labyrinth of a person and you really kind of dive in and each step needs to be taken carefully. So there's words that specifically need to be said to the person to get into a certain point.

Speaker 2:

Some people get frustrated because it's more me asking them questions, because as I ask them questions, they think they're answering. But I'm listening to the inner child, I'm listening to your subconscious talking. So that helps me, you know, then understand that we need to go. And then, through that, then they you know we get to the details of what happened, and oftentimes I'm they'll share like, they'll show me like an event that happened to when there were children, specific age, and I'll say, okay, well, that's trying to. You know, this happened and this is connected to that. Do you remember that? And sometimes it takes a little while, sometimes they don't, but it helps because then they make the connection.

Speaker 2:

That's the most powerful part too. And then, once they get to that truth, if they're ready to hear the truth that they don't want to hear. Then that's one of the best parts because after that year, like it's really essential for you to look at what we get there. It wasn't like this from the very beginning. It was a great process to it. So now we kind of we have it pretty cut down, but it evolves, it changes, you know, as needed. It's really it's really important to have the same for everybody. So it's really specific to whatever the person needs. It's interesting.

Speaker 5:

It was amazing.

Speaker 2:

It was good, I don't know. Okay, it's good.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm interested to see how you're walking through the job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think you're going to do similar things, but I also see you cooking and what I mean by that. I think the shaman aspect of you is going to really flourish, where you're going to go into like exploring herbs and the magical herbs and making concoctions or putting things together to help people in certain ways. And we definitely have, like, a couple of past lives with us, so that's a new thing and I think the painting or the artistic part of you is it's what's going to lead you to that you know as well. So there's things that you're going to. You're going to find a way around it, but you're going to definitely have fun and do some interesting things.

Speaker 3:

You might find I just want to go back to Christine. Yeah, sorry, it doesn't have to be like you, but you know you were saying that whatever was around the scene, it was the only thing you could go back to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So what I was thinking was when you were talking about Jordan saying this being, during the symbol on her head, kind of a column for this. What I mean is to think of like with destiny and free will. Like I might be interpreting it. In my own interpretation it's almost as if you were talking about Christina's, like they want you to be aware of something because maybe it's something like Jordan. She's supposed to be going, like this type of, or he's dabble in this type of field or frequency, but it's like her, that's enough, but she doesn't still want to go. And I'm not saying that's what it is, I'm just wondering is it? It can be like that.

Speaker 2:

So for for Jordan, it's actually one of those you know, like I was saying last time, one of the times you're talking about this on your life vest, you have you determine must happen when, when, time, and then there is all the possibilities and probabilities, because that's where you exercise your free will. That's, for Christina, more about her free will, whether or not she wants to use it. So to let her know that if she wanted, if it's her choice, it's there and it just to do whatever it needs to do for her, so that she can. You know, with that obligation For you, for you, jordan, it's more like a chosen path, and that's why they put that pinball on your forehead.

Speaker 2:

Usually at least to me, they always show it in that way, like something that is either to jewelry the sort of certificate you're on a person, or skin bulls of writing, and that signifies that that is something that's going to happen, whether you want it or not. What will change is the time. You know, like for me, there was an invitation to start this in my 20s. It was at the Hell. No, there was an invitation in my 30s when I said Hell.

Speaker 2:

No twice, and then, eventually, I said I'll fine, you know, but I was closer to my 40s, I took a while. So you know, if you don't have to, if you don't want to, for me it was going to happen one way or the other, and when I said I was about to say no until I was fine, I said, sorry that changes long gone, but I happened. You know, that makes sense, so that you know that's my belief, and when I look at people's past not past life, they're current life, their life path, or a cashier's record it's pretty much the same, just displayed differently I'll see these markers, and that means that these are points in time, so that things are on them to happen. Sometimes, though, there is sideways path that we take, you know, because we have free will, so we can still not necessarily get to that point where we're supposed to, but then things are going to try and make it happen that way.

Speaker 7:

So I have a question. Someone's saying that for sure that's what she has to do. What is she like, doesn't she fight for? This life like at that point like what's her life like, like she's not, you know what. I mean she's not doing what is imprinted on her, I guess.

Speaker 2:

It depends, if she has other points, that these will be presented to her. And, like she also had an opportunity a little bit younger, but then there will be an opportunity. If you're not going for it at this time, but you are, they already have set up an opportunity when you were about 42. And so now that you've taken this opportunity at 42, there will be a shift and a change where you're going to evolve and do things. You know you're going to revise what you're doing. You know, and that's by choice, it's not something that you have to do, but if you'll use that marker, you'll do something else you know in life.

Speaker 3:

You're about 42 or 42nd birthday, you'll hear that.

Speaker 6:

Somebody gets to decide that birthday, this is the time she's going to do it. I'm going to give her a hat and then instead of the next marker it's 42.

Speaker 7:

What if she skips that again?

Speaker 2:

Then the following. So I can tell you from my you know, for me, like my life became more and more complicated the more I avoided that. It wasn't easy. It became more and more complicated, and not only in like, in relationship and that kind of thing. Things happened to me Like they actually, you know those two by four people call it two by four the life bring for you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, they sank a whole truck of that for me because you know I'm here, I admit it, I was that summer, just so that it could steal me the way that I was supposed to. The first was the car accident that I had at 21, and it happened because I already I was going to leave home, because I just graduated from nursing, I was 20 years old and I wanted to be in my life. I had gotten a place for rent at this cute little apartment. So throughout, nobody knew anything. I was just going to drop the bomb in my family and say goodbye everybody. I got my own place, see you later, you know, and live on my own. Just, you know the dreams that I wanted to do.

Speaker 2:

And here, you know, something happens with my car and so or, actually I don't think I was driving- Was I driving I don't remember, but anyway I decided, for whatever reason, I ended up going to work with the moped and like with my sister's moped, and somebody came in on my way to work. I don't remember the actual wrong. I mean, I really cropped my head open. I was put out for a whole year. My life that I thought I was going to go this way went yeah, but it's going to let me here. It was an event that actually let me here.

Speaker 2:

I believe if I had gone and gotten into that apartment and lived that life, I would have taken, made decisions. I would have loved that too much and make decisions based on that and would have gone a different way. So I'm sure they were telling me things. I had gotten messages, you know. I remember being in the street of Florence and the guys stopped me and said, oh, let me read your hand and they go oh, you're going to travel a lot, you're going to leave your family, you're going to live in two worlds. I was like baloney. In what way I was that type of person. I was like no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

I don't believe that it was very black and white for me. I don't mind that I made this decision, but I know that they can definitely in practice, you know, like make a change into life. I know a lot of people there's probably many stories I'm sure you guys have probably some examples of that or things that happened that in the moment you may have thought that, oh my God, this ruined my life or I made it, it created such a friction in my life. But then once you went through it, you know, you realize and suppose of it, not your fear, you know this thing. So that's that answer, your friends. I mean, I went through some people. I wonder.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. I'm not saying this as a knowing, but I'm just wondering If some people come in here with you or I'm like you're here and you've got to finish this thing, you've got to do this thing, and there's always that pretty well of you doing it or not, and I think there's some people where it's just like you know they don't have. It's not so hardcore, it's more the lax in a way. I think it's just that feeling.

Speaker 2:

No, no, it's true, I've come across a lot of people like that in the perfectly fine way. So it's no, I knew that you know. Sure, I know I can, but I don't want to. That's perfectly fine. So for you it's actually kind of like that. It's more like you're more like a spectator, taking life as a spectator. So things have happened to you, but it's like I don't want to kill you, like the rest of you know the next. That's what's important. You were going to say something.

Speaker 8:

Yeah, I wonder. In previous lives you had a contract to do something. Two, three lives. How many people fly and you're still having to fill them in and say no, this time around you don't get what you decide, you're just equal to them to do and you make it happen.

Speaker 2:

No, it doesn't work that way, because you do choose what at least that's my belief that you choose what you want to be. But it's also true that we have we can. Mrs made me think. Actually, we talked about it. It came up with one of my clients today and I mean we realized that because we have an umbrella, like it's a long period of time to be explore a total specific brand, you know, a brand thing that can go over in millennia, like many lifetimes, that it's under the same theme and so that it may feel as if you are carrying the past life into the current life. And it's something to get lifetimes where you get to break because you work so hard, because you get so much, and so you come in just as an observer or as a you're enjoying the ride and everything is really easy going for you and you choose it, so to get to experience it.

Speaker 2:

We're just not those stupid. I mean, I'm talking about you and I I don't know about you guys. What do you think, paolo? Do you think? Do you think you need to be thinking about this a lot? Yeah?

Speaker 3:

I do In the back of the house. Yeah, I think I talked about this before and I know very nice to do that this feeling of when I leave this world. When I leave this world, I want to make sure that I did what I was supposed to do. And when I say that it's not like these grand things, it's just I want to make sure. I think many have talked about that.

Speaker 3:

I was using the. I think I was using the honey supper on the deck, like you know, the honey supper opening it makes it's. It's a failure. It's fragrance. I mean the neighbors down the street are going to smell it, like it may be they're not supposed to, but they did what it was supposed to do and manifested and gave what it was Like like the divine expressed itself with food from that being and I feel like I just want to make sure I do that for a leave, whatever that looks like.

Speaker 3:

So then, when we speak about like well, I wasn't, I know there's many times in my life where I truly do something that I feel, looking back in retrospect, it's like, yeah, that kicked my ass when I put in what I was supposed to be going. But at the same time I feel like, well, you know, you just told me what I was supposed to be going, I would have done it. Like I'm a faithful servant. You know what I mean? I would. I, at least, I think I would have.

Speaker 3:

But then I think of again, when I think of the rule, something in 1970, when he goes oh, it doesn't matter, because, no matter what, you're going to get that get to where I'm talking about. In fact, you're only there, you just don't realize it yet, and what I might think is like well then, I don't want to slow down the process unless it is not, but like because I want to. I just feel like you know, looking at it from the point of view of a Catholic, what the sin is, like they come about. Sin To me, that's a sin. To me, a sin is to not manifest truly the beauty that you have, what you are.

Speaker 8:

But it really is that sin, or that's just a part of your.

Speaker 3:

Well, when I say sin, maybe that's not the right word because I know that's going to be interpreted as a disbanded sin, but you made the wrong decision. I'll take sin back because, yeah, it's not what I want to say. It is, but I know it's going to be taken not the way I want it to be expressed.

Speaker 2:

I think I know what you were referring to.

Speaker 2:

You know, with the word sin, it's to really highlight that, at least my understanding of what you're saying just now.

Speaker 2:

My interpretation of it is that if there is something that probably I regret I try not to regret because it's a learning process throughout is that I wish I'd learned it sooner, you know, so I didn't waste so much time, you know, doing this Because sometimes we get stuck in our own ways, we get stuck into doing the human thing and we do, unfortunately, waste precious time, and time is the one thing that we never get back and it kind of gives you that feeling that maybe a lot of people feel that they don't get the chance to do everything that they want to do because they realize, you know, that they could have done something.

Speaker 2:

They could have done something or handled things differently and they ended up understanding that they didn't like it and they wished, you know they could have found that. So you're saying that you want to make sure that you're dying, that before you die, you get to be the person who you need to be, to be the stress, everything about you that you need to express in every form of the word, and I understand that in that way.

Speaker 2:

that's what I feel you're saying you want to make sure that you are really evolving all aspects of yourself and giving to others. But that's because you've been through that near-death experience and when you were saying that, I felt that they gave you the information of what you're supposed to do and you know it, and then you know so that poses a struggle within yourself that you haven't yet come to terms with it.

Speaker 3:

I think that's why I'm the only not in the view of when I talk about what you talk about a children, and that's why, you see, I always speak up. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who's not there. I don't believe in the video, but I see it because the children, you see it, like it right, I see it, but I feel like that part of me not, I don't want to say dying. That's not the way it works. It's going away. It's not no, no, no. What I mean is that part of me that like, that part of me that wants to hide.

Speaker 1:

Oh, yeah the part that wants to hide is going to. It's going to hide.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's going away, and so when I see it, when I see it, it's almost like I'm going to like, throw a rope to you, but no, no, no, don't go there. I live there too long. No, no, don't come back out there. You know what I mean. So when I'm saying children, it's not like children are like oh, you know, it's not that, it's just like I see it, and I know that things so well, and so you know, people have to go there. Trust me, I've been doing it my whole life. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

This is the perfect, what we call mirroring. You know, when you get to see how you know, how you are expressing yourself and what you're doing. I don't like the firm mirroring because I don't think it's, I don't like it specifically for myself, but the attraction or the interest that you have in each other, you're relating to each other because you have the same. You've been there, you've done that same for you, megan, you know, you've been there, you've done that. You relate with that and the moment, especially the moment that you spoke up, you know, megan, and you found that common denominator.

Speaker 2:

It was like, yes, I have someone on my side, I can continue being my side because I have someone on my side it feels the same way, I have the right to be looked like and you went there immediately and you shifted, you went wrong and I found myself I'm avoiding certain people in my life because that's what I do.

Speaker 3:

I go right for that place with them. And so I find myself that I was doing it not consciously until I made it consciously. That's interesting that I don't call this person or I'm not hanging out with this person. I'm not doing this and I'm realizing it's because I don't want to go to that place.

Speaker 2:

That's a beautiful thing. That's one of the things that's stuck. No, no, no, it is a beautiful thing.

Speaker 2:

It's the most important, stuck because you went from being the observer and you did observe, and you noticed, and you noticed, and now you're moderating. That's moderating yourself, and that's the next step of being the observer. But if you're not willing to observe oneself, and you know, notice what actually is going on. And the only way you can notice is by learning through others, and that's why we come together. You know, by the way, I just do a little thing about it. What I love about what we're doing is that and I'll tell you this in this way, and I love what is happening in the room, you know as many people as are going to come and go and do. Whatever we're doing is that, and that's why there are so many beings too, because they're going to take this opportunity to kick whoever's ass needs to be kicked, to whatever place they need to be.

Speaker 2:

Whether you want or not, and you don't have to necessarily do it consciously, it will happen just by being in the room because one of us is inadvertently going to say whatever it needs to be said for whoever that needs to hear it, and that's going to happen, and I want to go back, not to take it away from you, but you find this interesting. One of the visions that I got and I know they're true was I saw Leo and I doing healing work. I know the healer he is and I've always told you that and how powerful you are and I've always seen that and I actually know that being here is the feel for together. It will always be your toys.

Speaker 2:

See, the thing is that for me it was one of the musts it's going to be, because I chose it and I knew it. I had an experience and they told me that and I woke up and was like shit, I got so much work to do but I wasn't necessarily aware of what the work was. I remember having that thought, but I didn't remember what kind of work I needed to do. And that's fine, because that was my free will and way to believe in that I'm choosing when I was ready. But for you it's the same as Kuzina. You are not going to be forced to be in there, you are not going to be out to you. That's what you chose to do. And your biggest struggle is going to be come to terms with how you define what a healer is and what it means to be a healer. And each one of us has to find a definition between themselves. It doesn't have to be like everyone else, it has to be your own definition.

Speaker 3:

But there is the difference between you and Kuzina. Well, kuzina, I think she's totally okay with just being on the side and, just like I just love this kind of situation. I enjoy that, she likes that stuff. But I don't feel like Kuzina feels that I need to do it. But there's something that needs to be healed by you doing it, healed with the viewer, because you were talking about it, not with the viewer, something that I need to heal on myself by doing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, it's real. Just think about the first time that you did this. You remember what we talked about. What did that? Channeling for all these people and you're like that's it, I'm shutting this down. You told me that and you told me that maybe a couple other times you let that story and then you always told me about that and I was shut down. Tonight was actually the first time where I actually saw something come back out. So that's shown me like yeah, once in a while I actually I do. I'm promising I feel one day we're going to be doing that. I mean, you know what I'm going to say. No one's said it, because then they're kind of like, don't touch it on me, you won't.

Speaker 2:

You're actually giving confidence.

Speaker 3:

I feel one day I don't know what context or what one day it's just going to happen. If we're going to be here, we're going to happen.

Speaker 4:

I'm like this is not a story, they're just finally doing it, yeah sure.

Speaker 2:

I'm walking. No, no, no, no. I'm going to have to get the bigger door in the house. You won't be able to get through Because I can't see your head.

Speaker 3:

So I think, and then once that happened, I'm going to probably have your own show.

Speaker 8:

You're going to be getting that. I don't have a sponsor back.

Speaker 2:

See, it's the moment I was good enough to get on.

Speaker 8:

Hey babe, that's the only guy.

Speaker 2:

It's like I'm calling my wife.

Speaker 3:

So what if we go like reading the deal you're like in the back? Well, actually, but, like you're back and then I feel like then it's really up to you what you're going to do with it. But I do feel that like very, very strongly. And actually it's like this thing, I think why it's a big deal? Because I moved from you, because it took a movement for myself and I feel that I did do that Because I don't think mine is. It's the same thing. It's different, but it's the same thing.

Speaker 8:

It would be inspiring to go to the meeting. Yeah, yeah.